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When will things ever change? When will we ever realize that we as the world cause each other pain? This has become proven, rather than just another theory. When will we stop the drugs, the killing, and the animosity. It seems like no one is open to change. Women don't respect themselves these days, but the disrespect of men bring them to dismay. I can't judge; I sometimes have trouble with change, so I use poetry as an escape in this world of pain. In the world, there is so much trouble, and all through the world, there's always a struggle. There is so much criticism for the youth. The elders and youth can't come to a truce. The young women become apart of statistics before their life even begins. They're lied to by boys who say they're there until the end. The world is full of troubled and stressed adults. Majority of the women of this world have been a victim of sexual assault. Many teens are victims of suicide or homicide. These are only some troubles of life through my eyes. The conflicts of the world drive me insane; then again that is something that is not in my hands,but let's face it some things will never change.
By: Poetic Janyia

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