Chapter 3

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"Do I seriously have to go on this date? I mean seriously what if he's like the last one?"

Jana complained to her best friend of Fifteen Years, as Destiny replied,

"Girl, I have already settled down and had a child, you need to give this guy a chance heck who knows Gunther could be the one ever thought of that?"

Jana responded to Destiny,

"Gunther is nice but it's one date not a whole answer right away on anything for all I know he could be a stalker or a murderer."

Destiny got a laugh out of that response and replied,

"You know Jana if you prefer a woman I do know someone that would make it worth your while."

Jana raised her eyebrow at Destiny responding,

"For one you know I'm straight and I am not going to date a woman just because you find it amusing to assume I'm so hysteric when it comes to men."

Destiny shrugged replying,

"Suit yourself but don't be so critical on Gunther he could be worth it."

Jana heard the doorbell while responding,

"You got me there but doesn't mean anything."

As she answered the door she saw it was Gunther in a black suit with a red tie while she wore a lovely red dress that fit her body perfectly. Gunther kissed her hand saying,

"You look very beautiful tonight, you ready for our date?"

Jana smiled sweetly replying,

"Yes I am."

Then as she was about to close the door she let out a shout to the back of the house to Destiny saying,

"Destiny, if you're going out tonight please be sure to lock up. See you later this evening."

As Jana closed the door behind her she walked down the steps to Gunther's car and saw how gorgeous it was being that it was brand new it's a 2003 Monte Carlo red with tinted windows, the car blew Jana's breath away. As Gunther opened the car door she saw it had leather seats knowing it had cost a fortune to get a beautiful car like this. She sat in the car as she waited for Gunther to make his way around quickly as he got in on his side she looked over at him, smiled again then turned away facing the road as he started the car and they were on their way to a fancy restaurant. Gunther cleared his throat saying,

"We are going to Maya's Italian Diner if that is okay with you?"

Jana smiled lightly replying,

"Sure, sounds perfect."

Though in the back of her mind she rather have a steak with some potatoes and green beans but that is okay Italian is good too. They arrived at the restaurant ten minutes before their reservations as she got out of the car, she saw the beauty of the restaurant and enjoyed the cool breeze of the evening. Jana saw that their was a fountain, walked over to it as she sat down to take off her heels then climbed on the edge with her heels in her hands and taking each step around as Gunther looked bored trying to get her down as she said,

"I am having fun relax nothing to be embarrassed of."

Gunther replied gratingly,

"You know what this is supposed to be a serious date to get to know one another not fool around and be kids come on we work as professionals in a hospital get a grip."

Jana didn't like his smart mouth so she responded,

"I guess I'm not the one you want then because I like to have fun and not be serious all the time, go home."

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