11- 'Well, it's your lucky day, Ursa."

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"Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see." ~ Edgar Allen Poe The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether

"My name is Hazel!" she whispered into the darkness of the night as she peeled off the sticky clothes, fighting to break free from the warm blanket.

Hazel glanced around, trying to orient herself. Her mind spun with the realisation that she had finally unlocked a memory that revealed a part of who she was.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Knowing her name, it was as if she were reborn-a whole new person with an identity. Now, she felt tangible and real.

She quickly rose from the bed and approached the window. Peering outside, she struggled to discern the shapes in the darkness.

Leaning her cheek against the cold glass, she pondered. How much longer until all her memories return? She had no idea. But at this pace, it seemed they would resurface sooner rather than later. She chewed on her lower lip, and squeezed her eyes shut.

Məhv Edən would discover the new memory when he invaded her mind again. She longed for her magic, wishing she could fend him off and keep him from prying into her thoughts.

It was meant to be her secret-something private! But now, nothing about her remained hidden-not her thoughts, not her body, and certainly not her feelings.

She glanced around her dimly lit room, realising she had forgotten to turn on the lights in her distraction over the healer's visit. A shiver of apprehension travelled down her limbs, and her mouth suddenly dried with fear.

Oh no, they are back.

She watched in horror as shadows contorted like wisps, morphing into grotesque figures lurking in the abyss.

Her eyes widened in terror as one of them slithered towards her, gliding silently and reaching out with its decaying claw. With a scream, she stumbled backwards.

If I turn on the lights, they will be gone!

She staggered onto her bed, tears welling up in her eyes from sheer fright. With trembling movements, she scrambled across the bed, almost hopping, until she reached the light switch near the doorknob.

With a quick flick, she turned on the lights, refusing to look back, afraid of the demons lurking in the darkness behind her.

She stood stupefied, struggling to master her breathing. As her irrational panic subsided, she slowly turned to face the creepy corners, exhaling a shaky breath of relief to find herself alone.

This is not good. I can't continue like this if I want to escape! I have to overcome this, whatever this is. I know it's all inside my head, but why can't I come to terms with it?

In her heart, she was well aware that the captivity in the Pits had damaged her psyche and chipped parts of her that she would never be able to recover. But she did not want to give up on herself just yet.

The healer's visit earlier reminded her why she was fighting the war she had been forced into. It reignited her desire to break out of her gloomy prison.

Soon, I'm going to get out of here. But one day I'll return to destroy this mansion, especially this room, and kill Məhv Edən.

Hazel promised herself that she would take revenge on everyone who had wronged her.

Once she broke out, she would find a way to get her magic back and break the barrier around her brain. When she accomplished that, she would return and burn this place to the ground; it was evidence of her rape. And she would not let anything or anyone remind her of it.

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