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It's dark... It's so cold... Can anybody hear me... I can hear you... I'm talking to you but you won't look at me...

Blues chest thumps at an unhealthy rate. His eyes unable to open

Did... Did I do something wrong?

Miles tucks into his shell, feeling scared and alone

why won't you look at me

Ace quivered in fear, gripping onto Miles as they all fell into nothingness.

I... I'm sorry

They open their eyes, looking around. Blue was stood still in fear while Miles and Ace couldn't talk. Across from Blue. A small Meowth stood, a large dash over it's chest as it slowly melted into the ground.

Blue couldn't talk, only slowly stumble back in fear. The ground was sticky like tar but solid. The air was thick and poisoned with fear. There was no trees, no rocks. Just a flat plateau of... Nothing.

Eventually the silence is broke. A wave of colour dashed through the sky, a pink wave being struck with a blue one. Ace slowly trembles toward Blue, Miles stood in fear, not knowing what to do.

Two godly figures roar and battle in what seems to be the sky, exchanging a few blows to each other. Miles spoke weakly with pure fear "What... The... Fuck..."

The two godly figures changed their attention. The quarrel ending for a moment. The smaller blue figure floated down, the taller pink figure following after. Compared to the group, the figures were as tall as skyscrapers.

??? Used Roar of time

The groups vision go black, a floating feeling hitting them as they wake up, soaked but the water of the lake. Laying right by it. Elyssa is next to them, passed out. Blue is the first to wake. Instantly moving to wake everybody up

"Ace... Miles get up" Blue said in panic, shaking Ace and Miles. Miles woke up first while Ace remained dormant. 

"What... wait.." Miles searched around his shell, pulling out a picture. Blue saw the picture, a shiny Silveon and Miles in the picture, the Silveon looked to be blushing intensely. Miles let out a sigh of relief before putting the picture away, his gaze averting to Blue before speaking again, now in a slightly threatening tone "Tell nobody." Miles didn't seem bothered about the fact of seeing two demi-gods fighting. He seemed rather monotone, as usual.

They look back at Ace, only to find him gone. It was getting dark quick. Blue looked around from where he stood but, no Ace to be seen. "Where did he go!?" Blue panicked, still looking about, Miles looked at Elyssa who was still fast asleep.

"He's a Ghost, he'll be fine." He said, walking to the Jigglypuff. Nudging her. "Who's this drowned ball." Miles asked, still nudging at Elyssa. Blue calmed down a little, looking at Miles and Elyssa.

"That's Elyssa, she's a great singer." Blue moved over, relaxing slightly. The night was growing darker by the minute. Blue groans weakly, acting on impact of the situation "Lets get to a nearby cave, we will... we can rest there." 

So with little choice or care, they found a cave. Not far from the lake, an okay cave. They bunkered for the night. The cold air growing thicker.

I-....I'm sorry..

I-I didn't mean to...

I-I'm... so... cold...

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