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       𝐃 𝐑 𝐀 𝐂 𝐎 

He started to cry. Again. 

This is the most terrible phase of my life! I regret my whole fucking life, I hate her. So much. She left me alone with him, causing me to bear all the pain all to myself. She died. Astoria, I hate you with all my fucking life. I don't know how I'll lead my life. I don' t know how I'll bear her loss forever. I don't know how to calm a baby.

I'm such an utterly worthless piece of waste. 

"Draco!", My mum came from her room, hearing his cry. "You could at least, try to calm him!"

I sighed. "Mum, I--"

"I know, Darling", she said patiently, she borrowed Scorpius from my hand. "I know you're so worried about--"

"Don't say her name! She... she just left me alone!"

"It's not her fault, dear", she said. "It is a curse, She inherited it from her ancestors...She wanted to give you a Pureblood heir, as her last gift", she placed a bottle in Scorpius' mouth, and he made no sound thereafter.

I groaned. "Pureblood! She didn't have to suffer so much to give me him!", I said, anger raged like the sea in tempest. "I didn't want a heir so badly... All I did... was to love her....and she left me"

"Draco, calm", she said. "If not her, I'll find you someone better"

"No, mum", I protested. "I'm such a burden to you--"

"I never said that--"

"Please, let me complete", I pleaded. "I need a job"

Yes I did. I need a job so badly. I'm independent and I don't want to stress my mother. She is old, not that old. But It's my duty to keep her happy, like how she treated me when I was younger. I don't want my father's money. I want to stand alone in my life. Scorpius seemed to have an undisturbed sleep.

"We have--", My mum started. Typical Mothers.

"I know mum, But I want... to live on my own", I spoke up. "Not that, I'll never abandon you, how my father did...", I paused. I hated calling him my father. "I just want to make you happier. You should be confident that your son will go up in his now dead and grim future. Hopefully ", I added.


"Don't Worry, mum", I said. "Professor McGonagall's sent me this--"

I took a neatly folded envelope, written in a neat handwriting with green ink, addressed to me. I reread it again,


Dear Mr. Malfoy,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a Professor in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find a list of all necessary books and equipment for your subject. The Term begins on 1st September. We await your owl by no later than 25th July.

Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall,

P.S.: We'd love to have Scorpius with us.


My mum looked at me with her eyes wide, and her iris was more surprised than ever. I didn't want to tell her anything more, because everything was written. We, Scorpius and I, would go to Hogwarts on the first of September. 

"Draco, you're a Professor?", is what she managed to say to me. 

"Yes, you couldn't believe that, right?", I managed to force a smile. "Even I couldn't"

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐀𝐫𝐭║𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now