chapter 16

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One week later.

Beca wasn't sure, really, whether she absolutely loved this feeling, or absolutely hated it. That terrible tightness that constricted her chest. The awful ache that had settled into every fiber of her being. The thoughts chasing each other round and round, critiquing every action she and the others had taken. There was definitely a love-hate relationship going on, but at the same time, she wasn't sure she'd have it any other way.

Ingram Hall, Vanderbilt University, Nashville. Beca stood off in the wings of the large theater, the Bellas gathered around her, and the tension in the air was so thick that it could probably be dished up with a spoon and served for dessert. The Treblemakers had just left the stage, Beca could still see them celebrating on the other side. She had to give them credit, they had done another fantastic performance. But, was it fantastic enough to let the boys win the night? That's what the judges were currently deciding. Five rows back from center stage three men and two woman were currently debating which pair of teams out of the ten that had poured their hearts into every second of their performances would continue on to Finals, and which would be going home empty handed.

Beca felt Stacie squeeze her left hand reassuringly. Looking up at her co-captain she nodded encouragingly, though her insides still felt more than a bit wobbly. All the Bellas were huddled together, awaiting the news. Every one of them was holding hands with the others. She felt her right hand being lifted up and soft lips pressing against the back. Turning to her other side she saw Chloe there smiling at her as she lowered her hand and squeezed it as well.

"You guys were aca-awesome. Don't worry, Becs." The redhead whispered into her ear before placing another kiss on her cheek.

Beca knew she was right. They had performed the routine as well as she had seen them each day in practice for the last week. But, was it good enough? Looking around she saw all Bellas were focused, and each wore a tight smile. They knew they had rocked it, even Aubrey had said as much. Squeezing Chloe's hand in return, Beca felt relief that the stage crew for the competition had bought the Bellas' excuse that Chloe and Aubrey were "coaches", thus allowing them to join the girls backstage, because Beca wasn't sure what she would do without Chloe at this time.

Beca couldn't help but lean out a little bit, just enough to see the judges as they sat talking quietly and passing a few pages back and forth. The announcer on the stage was talking, but she couldn't really be bothered to pay attention as he talked about upcoming events that were going to be held at the theater. It was a long, boring four hour drive from Barden to Vanderbilt, and if it hadn't been for the competition being held here, the brunette didn't think she'd have made the journey. Looking up at the Trebles across the stage, Beca saw Jesse looking at her, at her and Chloe. A smile crept onto her face as she saw him ruefully shake his head and roll his eyes at the sight of the redhead backstage.

As she and the rest of the Bellas waited to hear the results, Beca's mind drifted back over the events of the evening. It had been a good night with some decent competition. Obviously the Treblemakers were in the hunt for, at the very least a top two spot, but Beca knew that despite their renewed friendship Jesse badly wanted to beat the Bellas and take home the trophy. Another team that had performed really well tonight was Reverb from Florida State. Of course, thinking of the events of the evening drew Beca's reverie, naturally, to the day spent in Nashville, and from there to the last couple days leading up to the competition. As she got lost in memories the part of her mind paying desperately close attention to the present heard the announcer's voice change in pitch as he walked towards one of the stage hands carrying an envelope.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The moment we've all be waiting for! I hold in my hand the name of tonight's winner of the Southeastern Semi-Finals..."

Three days earlier.

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