chapter 20

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"You don't really want to know, I think. But, yeah... I think she might be the one..."

Beca's words hung in the air for a moment as she grinned a goofy grin at her dad. Watching as his brown eyes scanned her face, Beca was acutely aware of the grin, but wasn't quite able to make it vanish completely, especially because of the small smile present on his face in return. After his brief search, he nodded and said, "Wow, Beca. I admit that I am impressed. When your mother and I had first thought that you ought to come to college, we had both expected that you'd receive an education and perhaps some of those otherwise unattainable experiences you can only have at a university. I'll admit that this sort of experience was not one I, at least, had envisioned."

"Well you know dad, you were the one who told me last year, in my dorm, that I needed to 'get out there' and 'create memories', didn't you?" Beca asked. "Well, that redheaded personal-space-invader has been the one who's gotten me out there. And it's definitely made some memories."

Beca again felt herself blushing as she thought of what some of those memories involved, most especially shower-related memories. Her dad apparently picked up on a different turn of phrase, as he said, "She got you out there? If you don't mind a father's prying a little, what do you...? Well, are you a ...?"

"A lesbian?" Beca supplied as her dad seemed to be struggling for words, which she found amusing considering he was a literature teacher. "Honestly, I don't know. I've never, well, put a label on it. I'm just me, Beca Mitchell..."

"Alright, I think that makes perfect sense. Beca Mitchell... Considering I'm just getting to know who Beca Mitchell really is, no labels." Her dad said, nodding as though he'd just said something sage. "Although, speaking of getting to know people, I wouldn't mind actually meeting this Chloe, though I vaguely recall seeing her in the group after Finals last spring, I'd like to actually meet her."

Beca felt the smile slip as she sat back in the chair. Having her dad know she was out and dating a student at the school was one thing, having him meet the girl she was out for and dating was another question. As she was getting ready to open her mouth to tell him how that might not be the best idea, he spoke up first and seemed to have read her mind, "I won't take no for an answer on this one Beca. Come on, send her a text or something. I promise I won't pry. I just want to meet her."

Sighing she pulled her phone out and said, "Alright, fine, I'll text her, but we're out of here if it gets weird..." Beca unlocked her phone, but as she did, she noticed the date and an evil idea came to her. Chloe was always teasing her and giving her a hard time, so maybe it was time to turn the tables. As she was quickly typing out a message, Beca wasn't aware of the mischievous grin her face had taken on.

Beca: OMG Chloe! I snuck up to get my phone from my dad's office and he cornered me up here! I managed to barricade myself in his office but he's going crazy, come help me please!

Chloe: Oh shit! I'm outside baby! I'm coming up now right away!

Beca snickered when Chloe texted her back almost immediately, even before she had had a chance to put her phone back into her pocket. Tucking her phone away Beca looked up to see her dad looking at her with a curious expression and asked, "Do I want to know why you look like the proverbial cat that ate the equally proverbial canary?"

"Yeah, I'm about to get Chloe back for all the jokes she has at my expense... It's the first today, and I told her that ..." Before she could finish what she was saying, though, she heard running feet coming down the hall and Chloe's voice calling out.

"Beca! Beca, where are-?" Chloe's voice cut off as she burst into the office to see Beca sitting in a chair in front of her dad. The brunette was doubled over laughing in her chair, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clutched her sides. Beca's dad stood, looking slightly confused, but still grinning at her. Confusion started streaking through the concern on Chloe's face as she rounded on Beca, preparing to demand to know what was going on. Before she could though, Beca spoke up, her words broken up as she still giggled occasionally.

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