chapter 18

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Beca wiped her hands on her jeans for what felt like the forty-seventh time that morning as she stood on the front step of her dad's house. She had been standing outside trying to work up the courage to ring the bell for the last ten minutes, and wasn't sure if she was any closer to ringing it than she had been when Chloe had dropped her off. It had been a struggle to not kiss her as they parted ways, but Beca had promised to text her as soon as this "ordeal" was over. Being that it was Saturday she'd probably also head over to Chloe's apartment and hang out with her and Aubrey today, but that was up in the air still depending on Aubrey's homework load. Right now, though, she was trying to clear the events of last night from her head and just focus on the present. But, despite all of her objections to romanticism and fancy dates that sweep you off your feet, she had been swept off her feet last night and was still reeling from it.

Together in the back of the carriage Beca hadn't even realized how long they'd been sitting, just riding around the park in the warm Georgia evening. The older man, Alfred he had said his name was, had quieted down shortly after they had entered the park, simply driving around the many paths that crisscrossed back and forth through the wooded hills. The sounds of the concert had carried well in the still air, and no matter where the carriage had gone, the sounds had accompanied them on their ride, making it even more romantic. And Chloe's comment about how much she was enjoying herself was spot on. And it wasn't just because of the redhead pressing against her side.

Beca Mitchell had never before considered herself the romantic type, but the whole night so far had been simply amazing, and she was almost feeling sad as they once again approached the exit of the park. As Alfred pulled the carriage out of the park and the sounds of traffic and a bustling, albeit sleepy, city took over, Beca turned her head and placed a soft kiss on the side of Chloe's neck as she whispered, "This has been amazing, and I'm sad it has to end. And, if you tell anyone I said that, you'll pay..."

"Your secret is safe with me, big softie..." Chloe said, and Beca could feel the smile she was wearing without even looking at her face.

"Well, ladies, this has been a very pleasant night, is there anywhere else you want me to take you?" Alfred asked from the front as the carriage began to return towards the Four Seasons.

Beca was about to tell him that anywhere would be fine as they were just going to be taking a cab back to their school from where he dropped them off, but Chloe shifted and drew out a keycard from her purse. With a wink to Beca she said, "Back to the Four Seasons is fine, I think it's time for us to turn in for the night anyway."

Alfred just chuckled as he clicked to the horses to get them moving again, but Beca turned slightly to look Chloe in the face.

"You got a room for us, Ms. Beale? That's a bit presumptuous, isn't it?" Beca asked in a mock accusatory tone.

"Well, what can I say, I was hoping to get lucky tonight..." Chloe answered in a slow drawl, though the brilliant grin on her face when she finished ruined her serious delivery.

"Hmmm, for the cheeky answer, I'll spend the night. For assuming I'm that easy, you can sleep on the floor!" Beca said, swatting Chloe on the shoulder though she was laughing as she leaned back into the bench and slipped an arm around Chloe's waist. They sat in comfortable silence for the couple blocks and just enjoyed the end of their little ride around Piedmont Park. When Alfred finally pulled up outside the Four Seasons, Chloe reached into her purse and handed him some money as Beca climbed down and then helped the redhead out of the carriage.

"You know, I had been wondering why of all places in the city, you chose this one for dinner. I guess it makes sense now..." Beca was saying as they strolled into the hotel and breezed past the front desk. "It also explains why you were late showing up for dinner. Checking in, I'm guessing?"

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