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Year 1320

Third person POV:

Klaus was sprinting through the dense forest mountains carrying an unconscious Mon in his arm. When he reached the top of the mountain, he attempted to rouse Mon, who was scared to see herself so near to Klaus that she could feel his breath. Klaus said her....

KlausI've been trying to wake you up for a long time, Mon, and now that you are awake, I want to say something to you.

Mon: ("Mon was unable to comprehend why she was with him and what he was trying to say.")What you want, Klaus, and why you brought me here. I must leave. I believe Freen is waiting for me.

Klaus: Why do you always worry about Freen, Mon? (Klaus said, angry). I adore you, mon, and I sincerely hope you will accept me. (He attempted to contain his rage.)

Mon: (Mon was taken aback, wondering how Klaus could have said such a thing to her, given that she knew he was Freen's close friend). Klaus, did you just hit your head? You're absolutely correct—I only love Freen. You are also a very close buddy of mine.

Klaus loved Mon so much that he would stop at nothing to win her affection—he would even kill her. But Mon never felt the same way about him because she was in love with Freen and merely thought of him as an amazing friend. After hearing Freen's name, Klaus lost all control of his anger. He sank his fang into Mon's clear neck and sucked out her blood, causing her to cry in agony. Despite her best efforts to push him, Klaus was so strong that her pushes were ineffective, and he sucked the entire amount of blood from Mon's body, Her eyes grew tired, and before long, everything went dark. After drawing blood from her, Klaus did not stop here. In the blink of an eye, Klaus ripped Mon's throbbing heart from her chest and hoisted her while still clutching her neck, choking the life out of her.

After discovering Mon in that circumstance, Freen became even more enraged. She approached Mon and held her lifeless body in her arm because she was in excruciating pain over her lover's death. Freen held Mon in the hopes that she would wake up soon, but since Mon was an ordinary human being and Freen was a first-generation hybrid, she knew that this was not going to happen. Klaus burst out laughing when he realized how devastated Freen is about losing her love. He said her,

Klaus: I killed Mon at last because I wanted to make her my queen, but she insisted on being with you. You've always achieved everything I've ever desired in life, and my first thought was, "How could I give my Mon to you ?" I mean, "No, never. If I can't have Mon in my life, neither can you."

When Freen heard this, her rage broke out and she stormed toward Klaus, grabbing his neck tightly enough that Klaus was unable to release her hold. Just as Freen was about to rip Klaus's heart out of hers, Klaus used all of his might to shove Freen away and took advantage of the opportunity to flee.

He was nowhere to be located, even though Freen looked for him. As she drew closer to the motionless body on the ground, she sobbed and picked Mon's corpse, dragging her out of the forest and into her mansion. Freen was unable to understand why Klaus, who was her very close friend, had treated her in that way. 

She turned into a monster out of wrath and devastated the entire town; none of her family members, her friends & cousin  Kirk, Jim, Kade, Damon & Stefan,  were not able to stop her since they knew how dangerous she could become when she was furious. She was about to pull her mother's head off of her body when her mother "Ester" stepped in to stop her killing , but she forced herself to stop. Her mom reminded her that

Ester: Freen, we understand how devastated you are, but do you think Mon would approve of the way you're feeling? If you behaved like this, do you think she would ever love you? Mon would never want you to turn into a monster and murder people because you were grieving over her loss. She loved you, my child, just the way you were—not in this way, as a monster.

"Shadows of Destiny:A Tale of Love Beyond Time"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora