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Ran and Sanzu did not in fact go to the cafe that next day

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Ran and Sanzu did not in fact go to the cafe that next day.

Rin and Ran were club hopping until 6:00 a.m. and Sanzu was watching out for Mikey all night..

Sanzu seriously doesn't get half as much credit as he should for taking care of Mikey.

Both of them wanted to set off early for the cafe, you know, to check up on Mei.

Instead, at around 2:40 p.m. Ran was woken up by the sound of snoring coming from the other side of his bed. He didn't think much of it, might've just been Rindou mistaking his room.

As Ran attempted to go back to sleep, the sound just got louder and increasingly annoying.

Snapping his head towards the noise, he was met with a very sleepy and noisy Sanzu. Rolling his eyes when he realized it's just Sanzu he res-

What the pissing hell is Sanzu doing in my bed!?

His mind went blank when he tried to realize what this pink haired imbecile is doing in his bed.

"Sanzu," Ran sucked a breath in, "just what the actualy FUCK are you doing in my bed!?"

"Mm" Sanzu mumbled, lifting his head up to check his surroundings, he took a look at Ran before his eyes drifted off.

Wait a minute..

Sanzu's head snapped straight back to Ran to take a double look.

"How the fuck?" his eyebrows raised and his gaze narrowed.

"I should be asking you that!" Ran slapped a hand to the right side of his head.

"What are you on? Your in my bed braids,"

"Take a double look Pinky, what aren't you on, this is my room."

Looking around the room, Sanzu's reality slapped him right in the face.

"Then what the hell am I doing here!"

"I don't fucking know," Ran exclaimed, "me and Rin were checking on the clubs last night and I came home at like 6. You sure as hell weren't in my bed when I came home."

"Whatever fuck that, arent we supposed to spy on your waifu today?"

Ran rolled his eyes at his friend's choice of words." She's NOT my waifu but we were. Check the time, its 2:45"


"No it's obviously two in the morning since the sun is shining directly into my eyes right now."

"Oh piss off."

After a lot of arguing and bickering, the two came to an agreement to go the next day for real this time, taking us all to where they stand now: The garage.

"Whose car are we taking?" Ran turned his head to the bubblegum haired male.

"Hmm.. I don't know, I didn't bring my keys."

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