Chapter 2: Isolation and Torture

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Sensitive content warning: mention of vomit and vomiting. Mention of eating disorder

A/N: Photo above is Megumi's room. Also yes, I will eventually get around to designing the other main rooms of the house.

Once morning came, Megumi grumbles as he wakes up in a strange room.

'Where the hell am I?' Megumi would wonder to himself as he looks around the brightly lit room since it had no curtains.

'God this room needs curtains. Specifically black out curtains, no one wants the sun waking them up.' Megumi would also think to himself as he feels something around his ankle.

The boy pulls the covers off his legs and sees that he is shackled to the bed frame.

"Fuckery." Megumi cussed as he just lays back down, rubbing his head.

Before he knew it though, he had heard what sounded like a click noise of a his door unlocking and seeing a strange woman with white hair walk into the room he was in.

"Ah? Good morning young Master. I can go downstairs and make you breakfast as Master Sukuna has instructed me to be sure to feed you properly unless you act out." Uraume would speak in their usual monotone.

Megumi just stared at the person who he thought was a woman, not knowing what to say or think in his situation.

"Do you have any preferences for breakfast, young Master? And do you wish to be called Master Megumi or Master Fushiguro?" Uraume would then ask. This wasn't their first rodeo with Sukuna's playthings.

With no surprise, Megumi just stared at them before looking away silently. The boy trying to hide his worry and anxiety.

'Plaything!? What the hell does she mean by plaything?' Megumi wonders to himself. A wonder he didn't know if he wanted answered or not.

"If you do not answer I can just not feed you. Is that what you want?" Uraume would raise an eyebrow. And as they said that, they could hear Megumi's stomach grumble.

"Get this shackle off me. I would like to use the restroom. And over medium eggs, two." Megumi would say in a cold tone as he did want food, but he also wanted to use the bathroom as he felt like he was going to puke his guts out from the anxiety he was feeling.

"No can do. You just need to hold-" Uraume would try saying but Megumi would cut them off.

"I'm going to puke, and I'm trying to be nice and not make you clean it up." He would say as he hugs his arms around his stomach.

'Yeah no. Master Sukuna will just have to suck it up, I don't do puke if I don't have to.' Uraume thought to themself as they walked over to Megumi and unlocked the shackle.

Megumi nods in thanks as he rushed out to the hallways and looks up and down the hallway confused of where the bathroom was since all the doors were shut.

"Go left, first door on the right." Uraume would tell the boy before exiting his room and going downstairs to the kitchen.

Megumi didn't hesitate to rush to the bathroom, close the door, along with lock it. Megumi knew that locking the door wouldn't do that much against somebody like Sukuna, but god did it make him feel better when he begin anxiety puking up yesterday's lunch.


Sukuna was spread out on the couch, bored out of his mind as he waited from Uraume to prep him some food.

The curse then heard the sound of puking coming from the what he assumed to be the bathroom, and he could see that Megumi's door was open from downstairs, but he saw Uraume walking down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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