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scarlett rolled the curlers from her hair slowly, glancing at louisa and amber through the mirror, both of them caught up in their own world. "can you zip this?" maria drew her out of her little jealous bubble. "yeah," scarlett smiled at her, zipping up the back of the girls crimson red dress. "it's cute on you." maria mock curtseyed. "i know." she fluffed up her hair in the mirror before inspecting scarlett. "hot," she commented. "maybe you'll get the attention of a girl who's actually interested in you."

"your ability to follow up a compliment with an insult needs to be studied," scarlett ran a hand through her hair in an attempt to fix it. "it's my only talent," maria shrugged. "maybe we'll find someone you can fake date to see if it makes heather jealous," she gave scarlett a pointed look. "which it won't." scarlett clenched her jaw at that but decided to ignore it. maria's eyes flickered over to louisa and amber. "public displays of affection sicken me," she rolled her eyes. "but they're cute so i'll let it go." scarlett grinned up at her. "you're just jealous," she said. "and you aren't?" scarlett raised a brow. "i never said i wasn't," she laughed. "come on, i know you're pissed about aaron." maria shook her head. "i don't know what you're talking about."

maria and scarlett had been friends for long enough to know how the other was feeling and scarlett knew that maria liked aaron. sure she had liked other people after him but scarlett saw the way she looked at him and she knew it wasn't going to end well. regina george had a capability to mess anything up and even though she didn't want aaron, she still wanted him around. scarlett just couldn't figure out why she wanted him around as a fallback, she assumed it was yet another one of her mind playing games. "you know what i'm talking about," scarlett snorted. "i didn't tell heather i liked her, you didn't tell aaron you liked him and now both of us are single."

"i am too busy to date," maria crossed her arms. "that's what i say at family events when i want everyone around me to shut up," scarlett laughed. "is it working?" maria asked. "no," scarlett grinned at her. "it doesn't matter who i like," maria groaned. "he'll go back to regina, heather will go back to being single and that'll be it." she shrugged. "it's just the way it is." scarlett scrunched her nose, leaning in closer to her mirror to apply her eyeliner. "that's dramatic," she replied. "i like to believe that i still have a chance with heather, i think you should do the same." maria patted her on the head gently, scarlett swatting her away in response. "you're delusional scarlett."

louisa linked her arm through scarlett's, dragging her into the house as if she was about to bolt at any second. "i will tell you if i see heather anywhere near aaron and then we can avoid them!" scarlett raised a brow at her. "or we could just avoid them without you telling me they've got their tongues stuck down each other's throats." amber's nose scrunched in disgust from beside louisa. "yeah it's just as disgusting to me," scarlett grimaced.

"that's not the way i would've worded it," louisa laughed. "yeah but you're not exactly subtle," scarlett smiled at her. "and the second i see them playing tonsil hockey i am out." amber visibly shuddered. "can we stop talking about aaron and heather?" scarlett grinned at her. "you didn't seem to mind when it was you and louisa earlier." amber flushed furiously. "that's different!"

scarlett turned to where maria was lingering behind them and held out her hand to her. "come on!" she smiled. "you're the one that wanted to come!" maria sighed before letting scarlett drag her into line beside them as they wove through the house to the kitchen to grab drinks. "plastic on your right," amber muttered, scarlett turning to see gretchen leant against the kitchen counter. "she's fine," scarlett shook her head. "it's regina."

"can't keep my name out of your mouth?" the blonde swept past her, her hair brushing against scarlett's bare shoulder as she passed. "a little obsessive if you ask me." scarlett grabbed one of the plastic cups from the counter before letting louisa fill it with whatever concoction she had picked up from the table. "don't flatter yourself," she smiled falsely at the girl before leaving the kitchen. regina george may have liked her a little less every time she responded to her but scarlett wasn't one to back down.

"she looks like she's about to blow a fuse!" louisa giggled into her cup. "well maybe she should be less of a bitch," scarlett shrugged before borderline downing the contents of the cup she was holding. "ew, what the fuck is this?" louisa shrugged. "no idea, amber said it gets you tipsy fast." louisa shuddered at the taste. "heather!" she heard a girl call out, her head shot up to where the girl enveloped one of her friends into a hug. "you know what? i don't care how it tastes, i'm getting another." louisa frowned at her. "are you sure?" she asked. "yes," scarlett nodded. "i'll be back in a second."

she reentered the kitchen area to where regina was nowhere to be seen which she was grateful for. another interaction with the girl wasn't exactly what she needed. she couldn't find the bottle that louisa had pulled so her plan of getting drunk so she could ignore both aaron and heather was failing slightly as she picked up another bottle and half filled her cup. she looked upwards to where louisa and amber were across the floor, arms wrapped around each other and she smiled softly. maria was in conversation with someone that scarlett didn't even know. and heather campbell was stood by the table with aaron samuels who had his arm rested on her waist.

scarlett didn't think that it would affect her that much, heather had never been anything more than a crush to her but it felt like someone had sucker punched her and she didn't like the feeling at all. and yet she could not take her eyes away from the pair. "why are you looking at my boyfriend with lovestruck puppy dog eyes?" scarlett didn't even bother to turn around. "aren't you a lesbian?" she practically slammed her cup off the counter, she was not in the mood for regina george's dramatics.

"ok one, he's not your boyfriend and two, i'm not looking at him not that it's any of your business," scarlett shot back, finally turning around. regina was dangerously close to her and as if thinking the same exact thing, regina backed up a couple of steps though. "and yeah i am a lesbian, it's common knowledge and the one thing you haven't yet commented on." regina gritted her teeth. "who are you looking at?" she asked. scarlett was just about to tell her to mind her business when regina's mouth dropped wide open. "oh my god, no way!"

"what?" scarlett sighed, suddenly very aware that this was the longest she'd ever spoken to regina for. usually she was just subjected the girls glares and snide remarks. "do you have a thing for heather campbell?" scarlett could feel herself flushing and hoped for her own sake that it was not visible to regina. "who?" she asked, turning around to act dumb about who regina was looking at. "that would probably work better if you weren't blushing." scarlett spun back around to face the girl.

"are you going to use this against me?"
"i wouldn't tell you if i was planning on it."

scarlett shook her head. "great." she turned away from regina once again, this time in an attempt to walk away. she'd been hoping one of her friends would rescue her but maria was nowhere to be seen and louisa was too lovestruck to realise scarlett was barely five foot away from her with regina. "no, hey, wait!" regina grabbed onto her wrist lightly, her grip far softer than scarlett had expected it to be. she tugged the girl back but not in a menacing way, more pleadingly than anything. and scarlett found herself letting regina pull her back around to face her.

"what?" scarlett asked with a sigh. "how much do you want a shot with little miss perfect?"

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