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"you look like hell, are you sure you're not still sick?" maria visibly backed up from scarlett as she saw her approaching. louisa had picked her up alone which was perfect because maria couldn't quiz her up until she cracked. she slid into the empty seat next to louisa and scowled at maria. "thank you for your kind words, as always," scarlett sighed. "i just didn't sleep that well." it wasn't a lie, sleeping on the edge of regina's bed had exhausted her more than anything and she'd been so stressed it was wearing her down even more.

"i think you look fine," louisa shrugged, glaring across the table at maria. "you know jason told everyone he saw you talking to regina outside last night," maria commented. "what?" scarlett forced a laugh out. "we're believing jason now?" she rolled her eyes. "that's funny because amber saw you too, right?" maria glanced towards louisa who shook her head furiously at the girl sitting across from them. "is this an ambush?" louisa patted her shoulder gently. "more like an intervention."

scarlett shook her head in disbelief before grabbing her phone from the table. "don't go," louisa sighed. "we're just looking out for you, making sure you don't do something stupid." scarlett gritted her teeth. "like what?" she snapped. "when i said we'd find you someone to fake date i didn't mean regina george," maria crossed her arms. "i'm not fake dating regina george," scarlett tilted her head ever so slightly. it wasn't a lie, it was a good idea but not for them. they hated each other and everyone knew it, their plan remained under wraps to everyone but them, it had more potential to actually work. "so what were you talking about?" maria asked, leaning back from the table.

"are you fucking serious?" scarlett snorted. "she was probably calling me one of the many names she's always called me because i was probably in her way as usual." she rolled her eyes. "she's been taunting me for years, why is it only now you notice her around me?" louisa looked desperately towards maria who was studying scarlett like she could see straight through her bullshit. "i thought that maybe-" maria trailed off awkwardly. "you thought that i would date a girl to get back at another girl?" scarlett raised a brow. "no i thought you would date regina to get back at heather," maria corrected her. "would it matter?" scarlett shrugged. "why would i lead someone on and why would heather want me any more because of that?"

"you're going to be a pawn in whatever little scheme that regina is planning, whether you want to be or not," maria said. "you like heather, she likes aaron, you're collateral damage." scarlett nodded slowly. "well she doesn't know that i feel anything for heather." the lie dripped off scarlett's tongue far easier than she had thought it would. she had assumed lying to her friends would be difficult but at that moment, she was finding it pretty easy. "and she can do whatever she wants, i'm not involved with it at all."

louisa tapped her false nail off the table in an extremely unsubtle manner. "drop it," she hissed towards the girl sitting across from them. "i'm going to grab some menus," louisa said, her natural cheeriness coming across far too strong for a table that was currently so hostile. "can you two not kill each other for five seconds?" she jumped up from the table like she couldn't get away quick enough and scarlett didn't exactly blame her.

"i don't believe you," maria said finally, glancing back to make sure louisa was out of earshot. "because i was spotted with regina for less than five seconds?" scarlett laughed. "you're going to believe jason weems over the girl you've known since middle school?" maria levelled her with a look that told scarlett her answer. "you can probably hide it from her," maria gestured to where louisa was. "because she's a little naïve." scarlett rolled her eyes. "but i'll figure it out," she shrugged. "there is no way you're scheming anything with regina george without me finding out about it."

𝐌𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐈𝐒 𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀 | 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄Where stories live. Discover now