Chapter 2- Assembly

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Her pov"

After the morning hassle of settling into my room and organizing my belongings, I felt exhausted, and yet, the real adventure of camp assembly hadn't even begun. My room, with its six beds—three on each side—was surprisingly quaint. Each bed came with its own small closet and table adorned with a lamp. Three of the beds were already occupied, leaving me to decide on the one tucked away in the corner. I disliked being in the middle and preferred not to have my bed near the door. Dropping my belongings onto the bed, I surveyed the room, lost in my thoughts, until the door swung open abruptly.

"Hey y'all, my name is Jessy, with a 'y,' not an 'e'!" A girl bounced into the room, her bubbly energy contagious.

"Hi," I greeted her with a small wave.

"You're pretty," she blurted out.

"Thanks... um, I guess. My name is Rain," I replied.

"Like rain... as in the rainfall?" she asked.

"Yeah, just Rain without the fall," I confirmed.

"Wow, that's a first," she remarked.

"For what?" I inquired.

"Who gives their child Rain as a name? Are you mixed?" she probed.

"Um, no, I just—" I began before being interrupted by another girl emerging from the bathroom.

"Leave the poor girl alone with your thousand questions," the newcomer said firmly.

"It's just a question," Jessy defended herself.

"Like I said, leave her alone," the other girl insisted.

"Whatever, assembly starts at 6," Jessy announced as she dropped her belongings on her bed and sauntered out of the cabin room.

"I'm Noah, by the way," the girl introduced herself to me.

"Oh, nice to meet you," I replied.

"You too," she smiled, nodding as she walked toward her bed to change her clothes.

"Are you changing too?" Noah asked.

"I don't think so," I shrugged.

"It's best to wear a jacket; it'll be cold later. Plus, it keeps those men's eyes away from you," she advised.

"Oh, you're right," I nodded, rummaging through my box for my sweater.

"Do you live here, or did you come from a different state?" I inquired.

"Nah, I lived on the upper North coast until this camp," Noah explained.

"I did college in one of the universities in the upper North coast," I shared.

"Wow," she chuckled.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Let's go sightseeing," Noah suggested, grabbing my hand as we walked out of the cabin room, locking the door behind us.

"At the assembly"...

We all had benches to sit on, or at least some of us did. The boys graciously gave up their seats for the girls—whether out of chivalry or simply to impress, I couldn't tell. Noah and I found ourselves seated close to each other as we listened to the lengthy rules of the camp.

"Do you think these rules will apply to everyone?" Noah whispered.

"Doubt it," I shrugged.

"Me too. I've already seen some people here who have either bribed their way in or know influential people," Noah whispered back.

"Definitely," I replied.

"Do you see those two girls over there?" Noah pointed discreetly.

"Where?" I asked.

"There," she said, indicating.

"The girl with the red braids and the other one with the curly hair?" I confirmed.

"Yeah," Noah nodded.

"What about them?" I inquired.

"The one with the red braids, her dad's in the military," Noah informed me. "And as for the one with the curly hair, I heard that her brother works here as one of the people in charge."

"How did you even know that? We just got here barely a couple of hours ago," I remarked.

"Well, the one with the red braids, her name is Amara. I went to middle school and high school with her. And the one with the curly hair, I went to college with her; she came in her second year," Noah explained.

"Oh, no wonder," I nodded in understanding.

"One thing you should know: they are unforgiving and rude, and they'll make your life a living hell if you cross them," Noah warned.

"So, rule 1: stay away from them," I concluded.

"Yes," she nodded in agreement.

"Okay," I nodded as I refocused my attention on the assembly. After a while, it ended, and we made our way back to our respective rooms.

As I walked back to our room, I started getting to know the other girls - Amara, Megumi, and Piper. We shared little snippets about ourselves, forming a bond.

Amara pondered aloud, "What do you think tomorrow has in store for us?"

Noah chimed in, "Probably some intense training, I reckon."

Megumi let out a groan, "Ugh, I can't even fathom doing anything right now. I'm exhausted."

Jessy couldn't resist teasing, "Well, you don't exactly look like you're a fitness enthusiast, Megumi."

Rolling my eyes at Jessy's comment, I couldn't help but agree with Amara's retort, "Seriously, Jessy? You need to learn when to keep your mouth shut."

Piper added her two cents, "Jokes aren't everyone's cup of tea, Jessy."

Confused, Jessy responded, "I don't get it."

Noah chuckled, "Well, Jessy, that's because your brain is the size of a pea."

With a dismissive "Whatever," Noah headed off to bed. But just as we were settling in, there was a sudden bang on our door.

A firm voice echoed through the hallway, "Lights out, Room 11!"

Realizing it was time to call it a night, I sighed, "I guess it's goodnight, everyone."

Amara echoed my sentiment, "Yeah, goodnight, everyone."

In unison, we all bid each other goodnight and retreated to our respective beds, ready to drift off into dreamland.

Chapter 2

Done you may see 2 difference that's because my twin helped me out towards tge ending cause I was sick and I didn't have time to write so yeah🤍

Chapter 2 uploaded

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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