Chapter 21

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"Guys I don't think I'm up for the bar tonight," I said. I was in the backseat of Alex's car as she drove.

Charlie turned in the passenger seat to look at me. "Why don't we pick up some vodka and go back to our place."

Alex chuckled. "At least I won't have to drag your plastered ass out of the bar. I'm in." She glanced in the rearview mirror at me. "Ellie?"

"Sure." I wasn't in the mood for the loud, crowded bar, but I could use a drink. 

Alex pulled up to a liquor store on the way back to their apartment, and Charlie leapt out of the car, landing on the sidewalk like a spider monkey. "I shall bring forth a great bounty," she proclaimed before shutting the car door. She zig zagged around a fire hydrant, then pretended to hide behind a skinny potted tree in front of the store. Charlie saluted us before she slinked into the store. 

Alex shook her head. "Do you mind making sure she doesn't break anything in there?"

Shaking with laughter, I nodded. "Yeah I'll keep an eye on her." I slipped out of the car and took the much more direct route into the store. Charlie was in the back corner of the small store examining large bottles of alcohol. 

When Charlie saw me she feigned hurt, clutching her heart. "Alex doesn't trust me with completing this quest."

I giggled at her antics. "Not in this lifetime," I told her. 

She reached out and wrapped an arm around me, pulling me against her. "Well then it is up to us to search this establishment." Charlie let go of me, making a show of slinking around the store. "We must find our treasure." She crouched on the floor, snatching a large bottle of vodka. "I've got it." She held the bottle, gazing up at it with wild adoring eyes. "My precious."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Come on Gollum," I said, holding back a laugh. "We still gotta pay for your precious."

"Did she behave herself?" Alex asked, when we got back in the car. 

"Yes she did." I buckled myself in, even though their apartment was just up the street. 

"Ahem," Charlie said holding out her hand expectantly.

"What now?" Alex asked her.

"I was good," Charlie told her. "Don't I get a treat?"

Alex sighed and reached into her pocket. She pulled out a cough drop and slapped it into Charlie's hand. "Here you go."

Charlie narrowed her eyes. "You suck," she said, crossing her arms. She pouted the rest of the short ride to the apartment. 

Pouring the first shot was like pushing Charlie's reset button. "Let's do this bitches!" she cheered before downing the tequila. Charlie and I were on the couch, while Alex poured the shots in the adjacent armchair. 

Shots were always such an explosive, instantaneous experience. One minute I'm fine and the next I'm floating, my body numb. Tonight was no exception, as after the third shot the alcohol hit me all at once.

"Want another?" Charlie asked. 

"Nah." I was at my sweet spot. Just drunk enough where every anxiety was gone, replaced by warm bliss. 

"More for me." Charlie downed another shot before leaning back on the couch. She rested her arm on the cushion behind me.

Alex was no longer in the armchair "Where's Alex?" I asked. 

"No clue," Charlie said. 

"Huh, I wonder where she went."

"I'm having another." Charlie poured two shots "Do you want one?" This time I took the shot glass from her, and we downed the shots together. 

The next thing I knew was in bed with Charlie. She was on top of me, fiercely kissing me. I wrapped my legs around her, pulling her closer to me. A moan escaped form my lips as she gripped my thighs. Charlie moved her lips from mine, trailing heated kisses down my chin and neck. I gasped when she nipped the skin between my neck and collarbone. 

I flipped us over so I was was straddling her, my fingers tangled in her hair. I kissed her neck, Charlie's soft moans sending chills down my spine. Her nails dug into my back, hiking up my shirt, as I sucked her skin. "Fuck," she moaned against my ear. She pulled at my t-shirt. I sat up to pull the shirt off myself, but I was suddenly dizzy. Falling off Charlie, I flopped onto the other side of the bed.  

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