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Somewhere in the land of water In a bar was very depressed and lonely Tsunade was in drinking she's been depressed for the last 14 years especially after everything after her sensi and old teammember betrayal of killing her ex boyfriend and her little brother that hurt but what hurt most is that they killed naurto when he was just a baby according to them. So she left became a missing nin and fled to the land of mist to hide from them. Suddenly the 5th mizukage ran in and straight for tusnde "miss tsunde I've finally found you I have wonderful news for you NAURTO IS ALIVE I've been looking for u for the last 6 years ur too good at hiding" Tsunade jumps and grips his shoulders crying "he is where is he how do you know " he smiles "he was here 6 years ago him and his mates came and he killed the old mizkage so I could take controll after that he mated with Mei as well then they left for land of lighting to join kumo as naurto killed all of konoha" Tsunade was shocked that he did that but since they told her he was dead that ment they likely abused him "I'm leaving right now" he smiles "me and my army will join you konohas allies found out where naurto is as the raikage refuses to surrender them and his allies as there citizens of kumo and naurto is Jōnin that's a S-class ninja and there's rumors he will be the next raikage we are headed there to support them in the war tho based on what happend 6 years ago we are going to watch the power naurto has" Tsunade smiles and they head for kumo.

3 weeks later in kumo 4 days before the battle the hidden mist army mizukage and Tsunade arrived along with the army of Suna who was glad that konoha was destroyed because of the result of the last great ninja war and the army of of the hidden sand village choosing to Ally with kumo instead of the rest of the villages as they never really likes konoha. Then the raikage with naurto to his right and izari to his left as they are his personal guard "welcome my allies to kumo we welcome you tho to be honest I must warn you. You may not have alot to do as this failed invasion attempt will simply be used to show the power of our strongest shinobi Naurto Uzumaki!" Everyone cheers but Tsunade starts sobbing and falls to her knees naurto noticing this actives both eyes and uses his fox eye to see what she's feeling 'she's feeling so much realif and loneliness I wonder why' he focuses more now to read her thoughts 'he's actually alive oh my God why did I belive those 3 snakes if only I knew I would've taken him away with me' she thinks as she sobs naurto smiles whispers to raikage and he nods then he tell izari to meet him at home and be prepared for a guest she nods then body flickers aways.

Naurto then body flickers to Tsunade picked her up bridal style then flickers away so they can talk in pravite "why are you crying and thinking thank God I'm alive do you know me somehow?" Naurto asks Tsunade who shakes that he could read her mind "i-i-i was really close with your mom I was away from the village when u were born and those fucking animals betrayed your mother and killed her I was sent a letter being told you had died your mother wanted me to be your godmother I was so broken I nearly killed myself that night but couldn't bring myself to do that every since I've been hiding in the hidden mist village hiding and slowly dying" she sobs more and more and naurto can tell she's being truthful "shhhh it's ok Tsunade I'm alive and better then ever I'm about to be raikage and I have my first child with each of my 7 mates on the way so 7 children on the way I'll take you to my house so you can meet them all there only a month along so it's hard to tell" Tsunade is shook that he has 7 mates all of which are pregnant with his childern "explain " she says shocked and naurto chuckles and explain everything and how yes he's 14 but looks 19 his body has been improved and he has the knowledge of someone who's lived hundreds of years how he has multiple kekki genkai and how the first mate he had was the kyuubi who's currently pregnant with his kid she blushes madly "can I get in on this" naurto chuckles "talk to Wu-hime when we get there she has to approve you to join the harem it was her rule when we first became mated." She nods and he body flickers.

They arrived at the normally slient uzamki house hold to hear izari and makito yelling at who naurto assumed to be Sasuke they walked in and he set down Tsunade and heard "FOR THE LAST TIME SASUKE YOUR SISTER AND I ARE DOING THIS OF OUR OWN FREE FUCKING WILL WHY CANT U JUST BE HAPPY HE TREATS US SO MUCH BETTER THEN FUGAKU EVER FUCKING DID" miktio was crying obviously at the end of her rope with Sasuke and izari was holding Sasuke down from trying to lash out at makito. Naurto walked over and placed a loving hand on makito head "Whats wrong love what did Sasuke do to make you so mad and upset" he said lovingly before she could speak Sasuke spoke "GIVE ME MY SISTER AND MOM BACK YOU DEMON" this caused naurto to shake a little having ptsd of his childhood only to come back to reality when izari and makito both slapped Sasuke in the mouth and yelled in unison "NEVER CALL NAURTO-KUN A DEMON ESPISALLY AFTER EVERYTHING HES DONE FOR US" naurto smiles at this "Sasuke your grounded for 3 months" naurto said making him fume more "your not my dad!" This earned him another slap from mikato "He may as well be now I'm dating him and I have his child on the way so he has every right to give u a punishment for your actions" he then stared at naurto with killer intent naurto activates his fox eye to read his mind 'im gonna kill this fucker in his sleep so then my mom and sister are all mine again' naurto frowned and signal them away from him makito and izari seeing his fox eye know he must've thought of something pretty bad. So they moved.

naurto x fem kyuubi/harem Where stories live. Discover now