Bryan & Seductive Rose Sword Theory (Origins of Olympus Season 1)

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I think the Seductive Rose sword, was slowly killing Bryan.

He was getting more and more drained, despite the rush of power, coursing through his veins.

Add this, to the pain SR would put him through, while in control over him.

I think the SR sword, was eating away at his life force.

Kind of like, how. When Bryan uses his healing magic. He's actively, giving someone, some of his life force. 

Which, that too, I think, would have slowly killed him. Because, he's actively giving someone, some of his life force. So, he's essentially, draining his life force, when he uses that.

Honestly, if Bryan didn't die from overusing the Soul Crystal. He would have either died by SR's hands.

Or, he would have died, by draining his life force, via his healing magic.

And, I know his healing magic, is powered by his life force, because when he heals Inpu, a little bit, after he loses his arm, he says 'Here, take my life force'.

Meaning, his healing magic, is powered by draining his life force. Even when used on himself, it essentially drains, his life force.

Meaning, he was, unintentionally, slowly, killing himself, by using it.

The more severe of an injury, the more life force his healing magic, drains from him.

When he healed Inpu, after losing his arm, that took up a bit of his life force.

When he healed Mors, after Mors undid the soul bond, connecting Bryan to the Seductive Rose. He used, quite a bit of his life force.

Which, would add to the fatigue, he'd feel, once more, after the bond was removed. 

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