Babysitting the Supernatural

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[The scene opens in a cozy living room with a crackling fireplace. Jill Valentine, Lisa Garland, and Maria are gathered around a coffee table, playing with toys and chatting. Suddenly, a faint giggle fills the room, followed by the appearance of Little Sadako Yamamura, a ghostly child with long black hair covering her face.]

Jill: [Surprised] Oh, there she is!

Lisa: [Smiling warmly] Hey, Sadako! How's our little ghost friend doing today?

Maria: [Chuckling] She seems to be in good spirits.

[Little Sadako floats around the room, her presence eerie yet strangely endearing. She reaches out her hand, gesturing towards a toy doll on the floor.]

Jill: [Picking up the doll] Ah, you want to play with this, huh?

[As Jill hands the doll to Sadako, Lisa notices something and gasps.]

Lisa: Oh no, Sadako, your hair is covering your eyes again! Let me help you with that.

[Lisa gently brushes Sadako's hair aside, revealing her pale face and dark, haunting eyes. Sadako giggles in response, seemingly pleased.]

Maria: [Admiringly] You're quite the little mischief-maker, aren't you?

[Just then, the doorbell rings, and Maria gets up to answer it. She returns with a large pizza box.]

Maria: [Grinning] Pizza's here, ladies!

Jill: [Excitedly] Perfect timing! I'm starving.

Lisa: [Playfully] Looks like Sadako gets a break from babysitting duty while we devour this pizza.

[They all gather around the table, enjoying slices of pizza while chatting and laughing. Sadako hovers nearby, watching them with curiosity.]

Jill: [Between bites] So, Maria, how did you manage to convince Sadako to behave so well?

Maria: [Smirking] Oh, you know, just a little bit of charm and a lot of patience.

Lisa: [Chuckling] Well, whatever you did, it's working like a charm.

[The evening continues with laughter and warmth as the unlikely trio of Jill, Lisa, and Maria enjoy their time babysitting Little Sadako Yamamura, proving that even supernatural babysitting can be a delightful experience when approached with kindness and understanding.]

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