Babysitting Albert

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[The scene opens in a cozy living room, toys scattered around the floor and a soft glow emanating from a nearby lamp. Jill Valentine, Lisa Garland, and Maria sit on a large couch, all looking a bit apprehensive yet determined. Albert Wesker, a pint-sized version of his future self, toddles around the room with an air of mischief.]

Jill: [trying to keep up with Albert] Alright, Albert, how about we play with some blocks?

Albert: [giggling mischievously] No blocks! I want to play... "experiment"!

Lisa: [chuckling nervously] Experiment? Oh dear, what kind of experiments do you have in mind, Albert?

Albert: [grinning] I'll show you!

[Albert scurries off to his miniature lab corner, filled with beakers, test tubes, and a tiny lab coat.]

Maria: [eyeing the lab setup warily] Maybe we should redirect his attention to something else. How about... coloring?

Jill: Good idea, Maria! Albert, how about we color some pictures?

Albert: [considering] Okay... but only if I can make a red one!

[Albert hands out crayons, his tiny face determined as he scribbles furiously on the paper.]

Lisa: [watching Albert's intense focus] He really takes after his future self, doesn't he?

Maria: [nodding] Absolutely. Hopefully, this version doesn't have any plans for world domination.

[As Albert concentrates on his artwork, Jill, Lisa, and Maria exchange amused glances, relieved that for now, their babysitting duties seem to be going smoothly.]

Jill: You know, this isn't so bad. Maybe we should do this more often.

Lisa: [smiling] Agreed. It's nice to have a break from... well, everything.

[Just then, Albert finishes his masterpiece, proudly displaying a paper covered entirely in red crayon.]

Albert: Look! I made the world red!

Maria: [laughing] That's one way to do it, Albert.

[As the evening wears on, Jill, Lisa, and Maria continue to keep Albert entertained, grateful for the unexpected joy of babysitting the pint-sized version of their formidable friend, Albert Wesker.]

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