Babysitting the Demogorgon

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[The scene opens in a cozy living room, adorned with warm colors and soft furnishings. Jill Valentine, Lisa Garland, and Maria are gathered around a coffee table littered with toys, coloring books, and crayons. They wear expressions of cautious curiosity as they eye the small, cuddly version of the Demogorgon, who sits in the middle of the room, surrounded by plush toys.]

Jill: [Whispering to Lisa and Maria] Okay, so... babysitting a Demogorgon. Never thought I'd see the day.

Lisa: [Nervously] Yeah, this is definitely a new one for me.

Maria: [Gently reaching out to the Demogorgon] It's... kinda cute though, don't you think?

[The tiny Demogorgon makes a soft purring noise and nuzzles against Maria's hand, eliciting surprised smiles from the trio.]

Jill: [Chuckling] Alright, let's get organized. Maria, you're on cuddle duty. Lisa, you keep an eye on the toys. I'll, uh... I'll make sure it doesn't... you know, devour anyone.

Lisa: [Gulping nervously] Right. Got it.

[As the babysitting session progresses, the Demogorgon toddles around the room, occasionally knocking over a toy or getting tangled in a blanket. Jill keeps a vigilant watch, ready to intervene if things take a dark turn, while Lisa and Maria engage in playful activities with the creature.]

Lisa: [Offering a toy] Hey there, little guy. Want to play with this?

[The Demogorgon emits a series of curious chirps and reaches out with its tiny claws, clumsily batting at the toy. Lisa and Maria share a relieved glance as they watch the creature interact peacefully.]

Maria: [Smiling] Looks like it's warming up to us.

Jill: [Nodding] Yeah, seems that way. Just... stay cautious, alright? We don't know what it's capable of.

[As the afternoon wears on, the trio finds themselves growing more comfortable in the presence of the diminutive Demogorgon. They take turns feeding it snacks and reading stories, marveling at the unexpected joy of caring for such an unusual creature.]

Jill: [Watching fondly] Who would've thought we'd end up babysitting a baby Demogorgon?

Lisa: [Laughing softly] Life certainly has its surprises.

Maria: [Cradling the Demogorgon in her arms] Whatever it is, I'm glad we're in it together.

[With the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the room, Jill, Lisa, and Maria continue their babysitting adventure, knowing that no matter how strange the circumstances, they'll always have each other's backs.]

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