Becoming Carmen and Evelyn Sandiego: Part 1

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"In just the last few weeks these Mysterious women have managed to rob millions of euros combined from a Swiss bank, a high-end art gallery in Cairo, and a Shanghai amusement park." The man with mousy brown hair says looking at his partner, while driving. "Before vanish without a trace." His partner says. "Headquarters has yet to discern any pattern, except that our perpetrator's always wear two identical scarlet coat's and fedora's one shorter than the other and seems to announce their crimes by making random public appearances beforehand." She says scrolling through a tablet. "Such as the nearby café sighting earlier today" the man says. "So we must ask ourselves, who in the world are Carmen and Evelyn Sandiego?, Why would thieves draw attention to themselves by leaving clues and wearing bold colours?" The man says, "Perhaps stealing's a game to her." The mans partner says.

"Ha! The game is over. She is in my jurisdiction now, though I question why." He says frowning, in his French accent. "Poitiers is rich with medieval history. Perhaps she is targeting a priceless antique or historical artefact from one of its many churches, or--" The mans partner says as she get cut off by the man hastily pressing the brakes of the car, The tires screech loudly as the care stops almost instantly "Ms. Argent, you are an agent of Interpol, not a museum guide. So you may stop sharing dull facts about boring things. You have been on the force merely a fortnight, have you not? You have so much to learn, and since you have been assigned to my department-" The man says, " Um, uh--" Ms Argent questions "--I, Chase Devineaux, will be your teacher." The man says in a world of his own. "Inspector Devineaux, Sir--" Ms Argent says, clearly trying to say something." Nuh-uh-uh. Sit back, watch, and learn how to catch a thief." Devineaux says interrupting Ms Argent once again. "She's right there!" she yells getting his attention. "Huh?" Devineaux questions looking out of Ms Argent's window.

You and Carmen whiz away with your grappling hooks, " La Femme Rouge!" Devineaux yells. He starts the car and the tires screech the engine revs. "Remain here!" Devineaux says as he slams the door an jumps over the bonnet of the car, "And radio for assistance?" Mrs Argent questions "No! The Crimson Ghost is mine!" Devineaux exclaims running after you and Carmen.

"On top of the world. I can see La Cathédrale Saint-Pierre from here." Carmen says. "I know right it's magnificent" You say taking in the gorgeous view, A beep comes from you and Carmen's earing "Friendly advice? Save the sight-seeing for after the job." The voice says. "Heh heh. Player, glad to hear you're on board." Carmen says smiling. "Same here Player" You say feeling happy. "You know I wouldn't miss a night out with you two for the world, Red and Crimson. Let's get this party started." Player exclaims as he cracks his knuckle then begins to type fast. "Virtual Paris sure looks lovely this time of year. Touring through France... locking onto you two's position over there in Poitiers... and, we're synced. If our intel is accurate, the next stop on your sight-seeing tour of historic Poitiers should be... 50 yards dead ahead." Player says still typing.

You and Carmen start run and jumping from building to building. "How's our temperature?"

" Warm, Reds... Getting warmer... You guys are red-hot." Player smiles as You and Carmen reach the front of the building, You and Carmen grapple to the to the top of the building, You take out a lipstick, which is just a cover up for a hard drive that will input Player into the entire building's system, you pass it to Carmen as she opened the power box and put's the hard drive into the slot for it, This allows Player to hack into the System, Player types on his computer." Analysing frequencies... Decrypting security codes... Alarm system disabled. But... I'm picking up another signal. Could be a trap." Player says continuing to type, to figure out what the signal he is picking up. "Let's find out." You and Carmen say at the same time. "Watch your steps, Reds." He says. You and Carmen grapple down, "Watch... our... steps." You say along with Carmen, The moment your feet touch the ground arrow's from these faces in the wall start firing them at you, You and Carmen grab shield's that are perched next to you two, and use them to deflect the arrow's. " Well this just became worth a whole lot less..." Carmen says.

Carmen Sandiego ||Player x Reader story||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon