The Sticky Rice Caper

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"Heads up, Reds. I took the liberté of notifying your ground crew of the change in plans." Player says, smiling, "Copy that, Player. Heading for rendezvous... as soon as we lose the looky-loos." You and Carmen say, You both opens a mirrors and zoom in behind you. With the press of a button, Player can see the people pursuing you. "I thought you guys ditched Interpol back on the train." Player questions , "We did. These stiffs are too slick for Interpol, but not sleazy enough for V.I.L.E. Hey Zack, can you shake the tail?" You both say "Haha, I can shake it all night long." Zach says, "Not your booty. The tail." You say giggling. "We were never here." Zach responds. The boat speeds up. The pursuers try to follow. Zack steers the boat through a stream of other boats, but doesn't lose them. "Zack, they're coming in hot." Carmen says, "Follow at a safe distance, people! And no texting while boating." Zach says as he speeds up, The pursuers do too. "Player, about that rendezvous..." You question, "Three steps ahead of you, Crimson." Player responds, A very large ship appears, turning in such a way that it will block the pursuing ship. "Three... two..." Player says "Hang onto your hoodies." Zach says focusing trying to swerve in between the large boat and the wall, "One." Player says as you manage to succeed "Whoo!" Zach enthusiastically says, the pursuers' boat crashes. "You! Out of the way!" The female pursuer yells to the 'captain' on the large boat "Uh... Parlez-vous Français?" The 'Captain' says "Move it, now!" The female pursuer yells back "Ah! You're saying you don't like where I parked the barge." The 'Captain' yells back "Ivy, your chariot awaits." Carmen yell up to her, "Talk about a close shave." Ivy says, She rips off the disguise and runs away as they climb on-board, then jumps off into Carmen you and Zack's boat. "Sayonara, mon amigos!" You and Ivy yell.

 You all are chilling on the Plane when Zach comes in "Alright, Sis, bring on the grub." Zach says to his sister, "Whoa! Were you not informed that Operation Picnique a la Parisian was canceled?" Ivy questions while reading a magazine "What? Ivy! You had one little job to do while I picked up Carmen at the train station. One! Rustle up big blocks of tangy cheese and those long, fresh-baked hoagie rolls." Zach sulks, "Yum, baguettes." You say smiling while staring at "Not helping, Eve." Zach groans, "I had my orders, little bro. Boot the buns and cut the cheese to save your bacon." Ivy says smiling, "Ugh! Bacon!? Definitely not helping." Zach groans again, "So... how long before you both toss them off the plane?" Player asks, You rest your hear on Carmen's shoulder and giggle, "Eh. In-flight entertainment. So, we're off to Indonesia." You both say with a smile, "Yup. The Southeast Asian country situated between the Pacific and Indian Oceans. And get this. It's made up of seventeen-thousand-plus islands. Who knew there were that many on the planet?" Player asks, "Did you know that all those islands contain the fourth largest population in the world after China, India, and the United States?" You question back, "That's a lot of mouths to feed." Player remarks, "No doubt the reason Indonesia produces 70 million tons of rice a year. It's their staple food, Player." Carmen says, "It says here some islands are home to the Komodo dragon, the world's largest lizard. They can grow up to ten feet long!" Player says, "We'll skip the petting zoo. But We've always wanted to see Wayang shadow puppetry. It's over a thousand years old, but still performed at festivals there today." Carmen and you say, "The V.I.L.E. hideout you're looking for is located on Java, home to Indonesia's capital city, Jakarta." Player stated, "I hear it's called the Big Durian, named after their native fruit. You know, like New York City's called the Big Apple." You say, "Well, the spiky fruit may taste sweet and delicious, but it smells like unwashed gym socks stuffed with rotten onions." Player responds, " Well that stinks." Carmen giggles, "I know, right? Smelly fruit!" Player laughs, 

"His laugh is adorable"  You think smiling to yourself,

"No. Facial recognition scan drew blanks." Carmen says looking at a facial recognition of the weird people that were following you, "Well, if your new fans aren't V.I.L.E., and they're not Interpol... then who are they?" Player questions.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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