Becoming Carmen and Evelyn Sandiego: Part 2

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The moon shines bright over the ocean as helicopter blades whirr, The phone that you had in your back pocket phone goes off "Player, not a good time!" You say, "Can't cite the no-cell-phone rule if you both aren't on campus. Taking a little field trip?" Player asks, "What? How did you know?" You question, "Remember how I could never hack past the jammers at your school to triangulate your location? Well, guess what? Your phone suddenly lit up on my dashboard. It looks like you're currently traveling en route to..." Player says, but you cut him off " Dude, hold that thought." You say as your sister is listening in to the conversation with the cleaners "Approaching drop point. Assume your positions." One of the cleaners say "Gotta call you back!" You say as you end the call, Le Chevre, El Topo, Gray, and Tigress stand at the ready to jump, "We don't have  parachutes!" You both say, " What are you waiting for? Cats always land on their feet!" Gray says as he kicks Tigress forward, she screams " Heads up!" You and your sister say, As you tackle Gray "Black Sheep!?, Black Lamb!?" Gray questions "Don't let go!" Your sister says "Yeah dumb ass, You let go, You kill your Best friend and Her sister" You say Gray deploys his parachute will Carmen is holding onto his front while you are clinging to his back with enough space to let the Parachute flow right through you, "Are you two out of your minds!? You just put your safety and my entire criminal career at risk! What will the faculty do when they discover you two decided to tag along on our mission?"  Gray shouted, " Who cares? We'll be long gone." Carmen and you say rolling your eyes "Crackle? Let's move!" Tigress yells  "Stay here. I mean it." Gray demanded. "Hmph. Time to crash a caper." Your sister says looking at you.

Mime Bomb pantomimes a chicken before the panel of faculty. "You... are a chicken?" Countess Cleo questions, Mime Bomb nods then begins to flap his arms. "Chickens do not fly!" Cleo remarks, " Who here thought it was a good idea to make a mime a spy?" Maelstrom questions, "Fly the coop? Flock's run off with the others." Coach say figuring out what the Mime was trying to say, Shadowsan groans in disappointment  "We could have quite a mess on our hands." Cleo says, " Alert the Cleaners." Maelstrom says.

Carmen and you gasp. "Casablanca. We're in Morocco. We made it to the real world. ...Mission first, sight-see later." You both say. You two stop to take a selfie, then run off. You walk towards a bright light source. "Young ladies? It is quite late. Do your parents know where you two are?" A man asks "We don't even know where we are. What is this place?" Carmen questions, "An archaeological dig site, where we search for links to our past." The man replies, "You mean like, dinosaur bones?" You ask. " Anything historic. If you've been following the news, you'll know that we just discovered a relic here dating from a much more recent era. The Eye of Vishnu. My crew identified it just days ago and are carefully unearthing it at this very moment." The man responds, "And you're not worried about them stealing it?" Carmen questions "Now, why ever would they do that? My crew is well aware that a treasure such as this belongs in a museum." The man says smiling at you two "Treasure? As in, worth a fortune?" You ask staring at the man, "Some things possess value other than monetary, young ladies. Any historic find such as this gem belongs to everyone. Its theft would rob the world of knowledge, and that would be a true crime." The man says, "I... I never really thought of it that way." You say, The lights go out. The man reaches for a walkie-talkie as he runs off. "Pit crew, report, please!" The man questions "Gray must have cut the power. This is the caper!" Carmen says looking at you as Le Chevre takes out two men. Tigress takes out three more. El Topo appears through a hole that he has dug and you and Carmen take off towards him. El Topo is holding The Eye Of Vishnu "Flock? But I thought you two didn't graduate" He questions "Whoa, it's amazing!" you both say acknowledging the gem, "Flock! Stay away! You'll ruin the mission!" Gray grunts, "You both are in cahoots with them!?" The man that you had met earlier says "Uh, well, yes. And no. It's complicated." You both say, "Stop, thieves!" The man yells, He charges toward El Topo, but is stopped by Gray. "Out of my way!" The man says trying to escape Gray's grasp, "Crackle. Remember...leave no witnesses." El Topo says, Gray throws the man aside as El Topo escapes. "Wait, what do you mean "leave no witnesses"?" You both question Gray turns up the power on his Crackle Rod. "Gray! No! No!" Carmen says as she tackles him. The man takes the opportunity to run away. You sit there and watch as your sister is dealing with her "Best friend". "Gray, what are you doing!? What is wrong with you!?" Carmen questions "I'll handle the runt!" Tigress says about to run after the man, Carmen takes the Crackle Rod and hits Tigress in the face with it. "Ohh... pussycat down." Gray says astonished, "She did not protect the face." Le Chevre says, "How did she even pass, That was one of the first rules we learned, I'm 12 and even I know that" You say face palming, "Gray..." Your sister says with darkness in her voice, She swings at him. "Hey!" Gray exclaims, "What are you doing!?" Carmen yells swinging at him with his own weapon, "Come on, now." Gray says backing up, "Tell me!" Carmen yells, The Cleaners come up behind her. She swings at them, but one gets a hand over her mouth while the other tries to get you, you manage to dodge him but, when he gets you, you start to feel groggy as you fall to the ground. The cell phone falls out of your pocket and Vlad picks it up. "Back to V.I.L.E. Island with you two." Boris says 

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