
187 1 0

Name: Minji

Nicknames: Min-chan, Min-Min, queen, ice bitch, skyscraper

Age: +1000

Birthday: May 5

Height: 6'10

Weight: 195 lbs

Gender: Female

Species: Demon



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(true) Demon form:

(Something like this but she has red skin and her hair is black)

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(Something like this but she has red skin and her hair is black)


* Transcendent Demon Physiology

* Hellfire Manipulation

* Flight

* Hypnosis

* Necromancy

* Demonic Form

* Demonology Mastery

* Possession

* Shapeshifting

* Hell Lordship

* Hell Manipulation

* Dark Arts

* Demon Manipulation

* Hell Embodiment

* Healing Factor

* Immortality

* Enhanced Strength

* Enhanced Durability

* Enhanced Stamina

* Summoning

*Demonic Weaponry

*Dimensional Travel


Name: Ace Bloodworth

Nicknames: Ace in a hole, golden eyes, choir boy, Blanco, the exorcist

Age: +1000

Birthday: June 22

Height: 5'8 1/2

Weight: 178 lbs

Gender: Male

Species: Angel


Angel form:

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Angel form:

(Something similar but his skin is darker)

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(Something similar but his skin is darker)


* Archangel Physiology

* Angelic Magic

* Flight

* Angel Form

* Hypnosis

* Indomitable Nature

* Dreamwalking (to an extent)

* Divine Presence

* Healing Powers

* Enhanced Strength

* Enhanced Stamina

* Enhanced Speed

* Immortality

* Purification

* Heaven Manipulation (to an extent)

* Holy Fire Manipulation

* Demonic Slayer

* Angelic Force

* Weapon Creation


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