Chapter one

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A branch snaps, when I hear the sound I jump and pull out my knife. I hear people talking, but they sound like teenagers, which never come out here, so who are they and why are they here?
I walk closer to try and see who they are, but before I see them they see me. They pulled out their own weapons, which wasn't a good idea, I though they were about to attack so I attacked them first I of course didn't kill them but I did ask " Who are you and why are you here?"
"We are in a bigger group of people we stopped to rest for the day, me and my friends got told to do a patrol." One of the kids said she was the only girl, and the bravest one of all of them
" What's all of your names?" I asked as I help them to their feet now that I knew they weren't there to hurt me.
"My name's Alaina, Alaina Evens these two idiots are Carlos Owen's and Oliver Underwood. What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you my Name is Alex Nightmare, but I still don't know why you're here. I understand that your group is resting but why are you coming through here anyways?"
" We are on a trip to Mt. Olympus to help with a war."
"Wait there's a war happening. Also did you say Mt. Olympus, you mean like the gods home?"
"You know the gods are real?" Alaina said like it was crazy of me to know about them.
"Well yeah I know the gods are real." I said thinking that they were crazy to think I didn't know but that's when I said something stupid.
"Are you guys like young gods or something, why are you helping with the war?"
Alaina explained to me though that they were not gods they were demigods, she also basically said that they were servants to the gods. This is when she said I might be one of them.
"Wait we need to take you to our leader to see if you're one of us because if you are then you can help us in the war!" To be clear, she said this like she was completely and utterly excited about me going into war with them as a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD, so yeah we'll see how this goes.
They took me to their leader and it turns out I am one of them, a demigod so now they want me to join them but honestly I don't know if I want to join them since I've never really left this wooded area except to get food from the village so I told them I would think about it.
"That's fine you can stay with us for the night but we will need your answer tomorrow, Alaina she'll stay with you for the night and if she decides she wants to go with us, Okay?" Said the leader, he sounded strict and kinda rude so I didn't like him much already.
"Yes Sir, please follow me Alex, I'll show you where I sleep."
I followed her to the room she showed me around then she wanted to go do some weapons practice and so I went with her cause why not?
After dinner we went to bed the next morning I gave them my answer.
"I will go with you but if this starts getting like too much for me then I'm coming back here is that clear?"
"Yes, well welcome to the group Alex hopefully we find out who your godly parent soon so we can train your powers."

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