Chapter two

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We started our journey after lunch. I was nervous since I grew up in these woods and rarely left, but at the same time I was excited because I got to experience a world outside of the woods.
"Alright everyone we need to leave so double check your stuff to make sure you have everything." Said the leader again also I just started noticing that he was around the same age as me, which felt weird having a leader the same age as me that I have to listen too. It didn't help that he was as rude as I normally am, we will get into so many dumb fights I can already tell.
When we started walking I stayed near the back, because I'm more of a quiet loner until it comes to fights. I will win any fight with my bare hands or my voice, yet sometimes it's just more fun to use weapons.
Alina started walking with me, I don't know why but she did and asked " Why are you walking alone and death staring people in front, especially Xavier?"
"Wait who's that?"
"Oh yeah forgot you didn't know his name, Xavier is our leader."
"Okay but for your question I'm alone cause I hate people and I'm 'death staring' people because that's my resting face." Of course I rolled my eyes when saying this.
"Snarky much," Alaina said, " well anyway your resting bitch face is gonna make trouble for you so try to control it, I'll leave you be now."
This annoyed me so fucking much cause she sounded like she knew everything but she doesn't, so I was happy when she left.
Everyone was tired and upset so we settled down for the rest of the day and as soon as I got my stuff settled I went to go practice weapons and work out but little did I know the little 'leader was there training as well. I just ignored him but then he came up to me and have the nerve to say, "I need to use those move."
"No I'm not moving I just got here and I want to use this just because you're the 'leader' doesn't mean you get everything you want okay now leave me alone to work out."
"That's not how this works I'm the leader here and I get to work on what I want to work on."
I just ignores him and kept working out with the wights I was using, then when he saw I wasn't going to listen he tried to throw a punch at me of course I blocked him and punched him square in the nose, but he really done stood up and said "Do you know who my father is, he's hades and now you've made an enemy of the wrong person."
"I really don't give a shit about who your daddy is if I can punch you aware in the nose without trying you aren't that big of a deal. Now if you would be so kind as to leave me the fuck alone that would be appreciated, thanks." I said sarcastically and a little snarky, but I have to say being rude to him feels great.
After I finished my workout it was dinner time so I went to eat and everyone was staring at me while Xavier was death staring me but I didn't care one little bit, I just ate and left.

The Powerful Oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن