8 - Toxic

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Here's the thing, we're completely toxic.

I shouldn't feel the need to love someone who cant love me back.

He shouldn't feel the need to try and express emotion he can never fully understand due to his mental state.

We shouldn't be this way together.

It shouldn't be calm and peaceful. It should be pounding hearts and sweaty palms because this is dangerous.

But it is.

Peaceful, I mean.

Peaceful in its toxicity.

I push him to blisteringly painful heights of emotions that he can only begin to imagine.

And he drags me down to the depths where my demons wait to see light.

But it's all okay.

All the pushing and pulling we do to each other only works to solidify our mutual destruction of ourselves.

We work everyday to destroy each other out of love.

I think that's the best part.

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