2~Ashlynn's POV

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"So, what topic should we do first?" my daughter asks as she takes a bite of pizza.

"Any topic you want!" I tell her with excitement.

"Not sure, you choose." She takes another bite and then sets her pizza down.

As I think, I take a bite of my pizza as well. A pepper falls off, landing on the plate. "How about famous artists?"

"That works, who will ask first?" she asks thinking about what some of the possible questions would be.

"Who created Starry Night?"

My daughter's face lights up. "Easy! Vincent Van Gogh!"

"Correct!" I cheer with my napkin. "Who was a talented artist and engineer?"

"That would be Leonardo da Vinci, correct?" she asks, slightly unsure of herself.

"Correct! He created so many different inventions that we even use today! He was far beyond his time! Not to mention the Mona Lisa! Did you know he carried it around in his back pocket for four years?!"

"Wow, very impressive! Did you know Queen Elizabeth II was a trained auto mechanic?"

Our eyes light up the more trivia we get correct and talk about. "Yes! Speaking of the Queen! Shall we do some trivia about tea? Say, the Boston Tea Party?"

"Of course! That pesky Tea Act and taxation without representation!"

"Act of rebellion?" I ask, guessing what you were going to say next.

"It was definitely a rebellion!"

Shaking my head, I stare into my teacup. "'Tis a shame, all that tea gone to waste." Glancing at my daughter, I smile. "We could have had tea for a decade the way we drink tea!"

"'Tis an extraordinarily grand shame!"

We clink our cups together and take another sip. "Did you know some people find sharing fun facts annoying or pretentious? I just like sharing our knowledge."

"Weird... people make no sense, especially the ones who love being touched...makes no sense to me."

"Very. Guess we just think differently. We think both inside and outside the box, all at the same time." I stack the trivia cards before separating them before us. I organize them into categories. History, science, comedy, romance, television, books, etc. "Regarding being touched, it has to be when we want it and depends on who and how. You know, all the questions. When? What? Where? Why? Who?"

"Agreed! And some people think it's cute or romantic when their boyfriend gives them a surprise hug. If anyone did that to me, I'd accidentally punch them in the nose reflexively."

I burst out laughing, knowing that's the truth for the both of us. "I prefer a heads up. With your father, I liked when he gave indication he was going to do something to me like a hug or kiss such as telling me or showing me. No random attack hugs. Heads up is always preferred."

"Speaking of kissing, I never understood the phrase, 'You kiss your mother with that mouth.' I'm not going to be locking lips with you, it doesn't make sense."

I crack up laughing at that as well! "Same! I never kissed my mother on the lips. That's saved for the guy you're in love with. Not incest. Nope.

"I think it refers to having a filthy mouth from cussing. Like, your mother would not approve of you cussing like those references. You know the ones. Remember in old movies when people said, 'pardon my French' or 'cussing like a sailor.'

"Sailors cussed a lot. Maybe they had a lot of steam to let out. Get it? Steam? Cause sailors sailed on steam ships?

"Wait! Why did they call it sailing on steam ships anyway? Steam ships didn't have sails. Sailing ships had sails, like pirates.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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