Chapter 1

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Lee Felix slumbered, enveloped in the usual pre-dawn darkness of his room. An unsettling pressure, like a heavy weight had settled on his chest, stirred him from his sleep. He blinked, trying to clear the cobwebs from his mind.
A figure loomed over him, its face obscured by the shadows. Panic surged through Felix as he realized he was paralyzed, unable to move a muscle. A cold touch, impossibly smooth and sharp, trailed down his neck, sending shivers down his spine.
In a flash, razor-sharp fangs pierced his skin, injecting a searing pain that stole his breath. A strangled cry escaped his lips, but it died unheard in the stillness of the night.
A primal surge of adrenaline jolted Felix awake. He flung his arms out, shoving that thing back with a surprised grunt. The sudden burst of energy broke the paralysis, and Felix scrambled off the bed. He didn't dare turn to look. All he could think of was escape.
He bolted towards the window, his bare feet slapping against the cold floor. The drapes billowed behind him as he flung himself through the open window, landing hard on the soft earth below. A choked gasp escaped his lips, but he was already scrambling to his feet, the night air stinging his lungs.
The sound of shattering glass ripped through the silence. He shot a glance back at the house to see the vampire, its face contorted in rage, leaping through the window in pursuit.
Felix's lungs burned, his legs ached, but the primal fear lent him speed. He weaved through the silent streets, heart hammering against his ribs. A dark chuckle echoed behind him, sending a fresh jolt of terror through him. He rounded a corner, but a cold hand clamped over his mouth, muffling his scream.
It was a vampire, its eyes glowing like embers, pinned him against the wall. Felix thrashed against its hold, but his struggles were futile. Just as he felt despair coiling around him, the vampire's grip softened, its voice a silky purr.
"There's no need to struggle, little one," it said, its breath tickling Felix's ear. "This won't hurt for much longer. Then, you'll be with me, forever."
Felix, his voice rough with fear, managed to gasp, "No! Let me go!"
The smile on the vampire's face faltered, replaced by a flicker of something akin to sadness. "You don't understand," it said, its voice softer now. "I need you by my side. With me, you'll be strong, beautiful, eternal."
Felix shook his head, tears stinging his eyes. "I don't want to be eternal! I don't want this!"
The vampire's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flickering within. "You will," it hissed. "One way or another, you'll be mine."
With that, the vampire threw Felix over its shoulder and disappeared into the night, leaving Felix's desperate pleas hanging in the cold air.

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