Chapter 2

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The world spun as the vampire tossed Felix onto his dorm room bed. Before he could scramble up, the creature vanished into a swirl of shadows, leaving an unsettling chill in its wake. Relief washed over Felix, weak and trembling, but quickly curdled into a new kind of dread.
The silence in the room was thick and unnatural. Felix called out, his voice hoarse, but there was no reply. Panic clawed at his throat as he scrambled off the bed and rushed to the door. It creaked open easily, revealing an empty hallway bathed in the eerie blue glow of dawn.  His dorm mates, usually sprawled out snoring at this hour, were gone. Every room he checked was deserted, beds neatly made, belongings undisturbed. A single, chilling thought echoed in his mind: he was alone.

Dread tightened its icy grip around Felix's heart. A desperate hope flickered to life as he spotted a single sheet of paper lying on the floor, stark against the otherwise immaculate room. He snatched it up, his trembling fingers smoothing out the wrinkles. A single, chilling sentence scrawled across the page: "Your friends await. The choice is yours." The vampire's message hung heavy in the air, a cruel ultimatum that clawed at Felix's resolve. He knew what he had to do.
Felix’s stomach lurched. The cryptic message on the dorm hallway wall pulsed with an unnatural blue light, its stark command written in a language that seemed to writhe and move. It demanded his blood as a token of his acceptance of the vampire’s twisted proposal.  The choice was a cruel one – his own mortality or the lives of his friends.
Driven by a desperate need to save his friends, Felix pricked his finger with a shard of glass and smeared the blood onto the message, his hand shaking violently. A wave of dizziness washed over him, and the world dissolved into a swirling vortex of shadows. When he blinked his eyes open again, he found himself standing in a dimly lit chamber, the air thick with the scent of dust and decay. Cobwebs draped the corners like macabre curtains, and a single flickering torch cast grotesque shapes on the stone walls. He was in the vampire's lair.

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