Chapter 4

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Consciousness returned to Felix in slow, agonizing waves. The rhythmic crackle of a fire filled his ears, chasing away the damp chill of the forest. He found himself propped up on a plush sofa, a thick blanket wrapped around him like a cocoon. Disoriented, he blinked, trying to focus his blurry vision.
A figure sat opposite him, bathed in the warm glow of the fireplace. It was the vampire, its pale face devoid of any expression. Felix’s breath hitched in his throat. Panic threatened to consume him, but a strange sense of lassitude held him back.
“You shouldn’t have run,” the vampire said, its voice a low murmur. It wasn’t harsh or accusatory, but it sent shivers down Felix’s spine nonetheless.
The vampire extended a silver goblet filled with a steaming crimson liquid. "Here," it said, its voice softer now. "Drink. It will ease your nerves."
Felix eyed the goblet with suspicion. The memory of the agonizing transformation was still fresh, and a primal distrust warred with the strange, calming warmth spreading through him. He hesitantly took the goblet, the cool metal sending a jolt through his system, but kept it at arm's length, refusing to drink.
The vampire seemed unsurprised by his hesitation. It settled back in its armchair, its crimson eyes flickering in the firelight. "You fear me," it stated, not as a question, but as a simple observation.
Felix swallowed, the sound loud in the sudden silence. "Shouldn't I?"
The vampire let out a humorless chuckle, the sound echoing eerily in the vast room. "Perhaps," it conceded. "But fear is a poor companion. Let me tell you a story, Felix. A story of loneliness that stretches back centuries."
With a flick of its wrist, the vampire conjured an ethereal image in the air, a scene from a bygone era. Felix watched, mesmerized and wary, as the story unfolded before him.
The image shimmered, revealing a grand hall bustling with life. A younger version of the vampire stood amidst the throng, its face etched with an ageless ennui. Centuries bled into one another, the scenes shifting – opulent castles, bustling taverns, war-torn battlefields. But the vampire remained a constant, an unchanging presence in a world that flowed around him.
"Centuries," the vampire murmured, its voice laced with a weary longing. "An eternity of existence, yet I have always been alone. Until I saw you, Felix."
The image flickered, focusing on a stage bathed in colorful lights. Felix, his heart hammering against his ribs, recognized himself – younger, carefree, his joy radiating like a beacon as he performed with his group.
"There," the vampire said, its crimson gaze fixed on Felix. "On that stage. You shone so brightly, Felix. A beacon of life and warmth in a world so often shrouded in darkness. I was… captivated. By your light, your energy, the very essence of life that pulsed within you."
A cold understanding bloomed in Felix's chest. He wasn't just chosen at random. The vampire craved his light, a stark contrast to its own existence. A terrifying thought echoed in his mind – was he just a prisoner, a pretty firefly trapped in a vampire’s collection?
A cold dread constricted Felix's throat. The vampire's tale painted a picture of a lonely existence, but it didn't excuse its actions. He steeled his nerves, his voice rough when he spoke.
"Love can't be forced," he said, his gaze flickering between the vampire and the image of his carefree past. "You can't just take someone and expect them to love you back."
The vampire's expression remained unreadable. "Perhaps not," it conceded, its voice devoid of emotion. "But sometimes, there are no other choices.  Tell me, Felix, in this world that fears you, who else would offer you companionship? Who else would understand the burden of eternity?"
Felix's mind raced. The vampire's words were laced with truth, a twisted logic that preyed on his isolation. He was a creature of the night now, forever ostracized from his human life. But was this companionship, or a gilded cage?
Fury surged through Felix, momentarily eclipsing his fear. He shoved the untouched goblet away, the clatter echoing in the cavernous room. "Companionship?" he roared, his voice laced with raw emotion. "This is a prison! I won't be your pet!"
The vampire watched him impassively, its crimson eyes devoid of surprise. "Perhaps prison is too harsh a word," it said, its voice smooth as ever. "Think of it as a sanctuary. A place where you belong."
Felix knew arguing was futile. His newfound senses thrummed with the vampire's power, a constant reminder of his limitations. He sank back onto the plush sofa, defeat a bitter pill on his tongue.
"Then let me see them," he rasped, the words a desperate plea. "Let me see my friends."
A flicker of something akin to amusement crossed the vampire's face. "As you wish," it said, rising from its chair with unnatural grace. "But it will be a one-sided reunion, Felix."
The vampire extended a pale hand towards him. "Come.  Let me show you."
With a heavy heart, Felix knew his ordeal was far from over. The choice loomed before him, a stark path illuminated by the promise of a horrific power.
With a trembling hand, he reached out and took the vampire's ice-cold touch. A jolt of dark energy surged through him, a silent confirmation of the path he'd chosen.
The world dissolved into a blur, and when Felix blinked his eyes open again, he stood outside his dorm room. Relief washed over him, so intense it almost eclipsed the dread that coiled in his gut. He peeked through the window. His friends were there, sprawled on their beds, faces peaceful, free from any sign of the vampire's curse.
Tears welled up in his eyes, a mixture of relief and sorrow. He wouldn't be joining them anytime soon, not as a human at least. A choked sob escaped his lips.
The vampire materialized beside him, its voice a soft purr. "There, there," it consoled, its touch surprisingly gentle. "It's alright to grieve, Felix. But remember, you'll never be truly alone again."
Felix flinched away from the touch, the warmth a stark contrast to the coldness that had seeped into his core. He had his freedom, a semblance of it at least, but at a terrible cost. The weight of his decision settled on him, a heavy cloak that promised a dark and lonely eternity.
A hollow victory. Felix pushed past the vampire, a dull ache thrumming in his chest. "Take me there," he rasped, his voice thick with unshed tears.
He wasn't sure what he hoped to achieve, but the familiar ache for his human life gnawed at him.  The vampire raised an eyebrow, a flicker of curiosity in its crimson eyes. "Very well," it said, its voice devoid of judgment.
In a blink, they were there, shrouded in the velvet cloak of night. The JYP building loomed before them, a beacon of his past life. Memories flickered – late-night practices, the thrill of anticipation before a concert. A lump formed in his throat, the taste of regret metallic on his tongue.
Felix stood there, transfixed, the silence broken only by the hum of the city. He didn't need to see the inside to know what it held – practice rooms echoing with music, the camaraderie of his fellow trainees. A life he'd thrown away.
The vampire observed him patiently, its presence a constant reminder of his choice. Finally, Felix tore his gaze away. "The arena," he croaked.
Another blink, and they were transported to the vast emptiness of the concert hall. The stage lights were dark, the roar of the crowd a distant echo in his memory.
"It was here," the vampire murmured, its voice strangely soft. "The first time I saw you. The light you exuded, the joy in your music… it captivated me."
Felix stared at the empty stage, a cold despair settling over him. The place where he'd once felt most alive now felt like a tomb. The vampire's words, meant to comfort, only amplified his sense of loss.
He had traded the warmth of human connection for the cold embrace of immortality. In this desolate emptiness, the true weight of his decision crashed down on him, a suffocating realization that left him yearning for the forgotten melody of a life he could never have back.
The return to the vampire's mansion was a silent affair, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air. The vampire, with an almost predatory patience, watched Felix retreat to the opulent bedroom.
"If you find the solitude unsettling, Felix," the vampire drawled, its voice echoing in the vast chamber, "you are welcome to share my coffin. There is a certain… peace to be found in slumber."
Felix flinched at the suggestion. The idea of sharing a coffin, a symbol of the undead existence he now loathed, was unbearable. With a curt nod, he dismissed the vampire, the large bed feeling oddly empty despite its size.
He buried himself beneath the plush covers, the luxurious fabric a stark contrast to the cold dread that coiled around his heart. Tears welled up, blurring his vision. He was a creature of the night now, forever bound to this chilling existence. The vibrant world he once knew receded further into the distance, replaced by an eternity of shadows. Sleep, a refuge for humans, offered no solace for Felix. It was merely a pause, a blip in his newfound immortality, before he woke to face the harsh reality of his choice. As sobs wracked his body, a single, horrifying thought echoed in his mind: this was just the beginning.

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