Final Chapter

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Sunlight streamed through the ornate windows of Blackwood Manor, casting a mosaic of colored light across the cold stone floor. Felix, stretched out on a plush chaise longue, traced the patterns with his finger, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. Gone was the searing pain of the previous night, his vampire abilities having patched him up completely. Now, only a dull ache lingered, a reminder of the battle and the revelation that changed everything – he was no longer defenseless against the sun.
A knock on the massive oak door startled him. He rose gracefully, his movements fluid and silent, and crossed the room to open it. On the other side stood the vampire master, his face still etched with the battle's toll but a strange warmth flickering in his crimson eyes.
"Felix," he rumbled, his voice surprisingly gentle. "May I come in?"
Felix hesitated for a moment, then stepped aside, ushering him into the opulent chamber. "Of course," he said, a hint of curiosity lacing his voice. He wasn't sure what to expect from this unexpected visit.
The master, or rather, as he introduced himself with a smile, Edward, perched on the edge of the chaise longue, an incongruous sight in the luxurious setting. "I wanted to speak with you, Felix," he began, his voice devoid of its usual arrogance.
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching Felix's. "You were right, Felix. You can't force someone to love you. And after everything you've been through, you deserve a choice."
Felix stared at him, a torrent of emotions swirling within him. The past night, filled with terror and violence, had also shown him a side of Edward he hadn't expected – a flicker of protectiveness, a grudging respect. But there was no denying the darkness that lingered within him, a darkness that Felix wasn't sure he wanted to be a part of.
With a deep breath, he met Edward's gaze. "Thank you," he said, his voice thick with emotion.
He reached out and took the small red vial Edward offered. The cool glass comforted him in his hand. He held it up to the sunlight, the red liquid glowing with an inner fire. This vial held his future, a chance to return to his life, his friends, his music.
A tear slipped down his cheek, a mixture of relief and a strange, lingering sadness. He looked at Edward, this strange mix of monster and mentor.
"I…" Felix began, his voice choked. "I'll visit you. You can come to my concerts, if you want."
A flicker of surprise crossed Edward's face, then a slow smile spread across his lips. "I would like that very much, Felix," he said, his voice filled with a warmth that surprised even him.
Felix took a deep breath and uncorked the vial. The scent of wildflowers and fresh rain filled the room, a stark contrast to the blood and decay that had permeated his recent memories. He tipped the vial back and drank.
A wave of cool energy washed over him, purging his system of the vampire's curse. Weakness washed over him, but this time, it was the comforting weakness of a human body after a long night. He collapsed back onto the chaise longue, feeling the familiar touch of the velvet against his skin, a comfort he hadn't realized he missed.
As sleep claimed him, a single thought flickered through his mind – he was human again. And while the memories of the night would forever scar him, they would also serve as a reminder: a reminder of his courage, his resilience, and the strange, unexpected bond he'd forged with a creature of the night.
The morning sun streamed through Felix's dorm window, painting familiar squares of light across the worn carpet. Relief washed over him like a tidal wave. He was back in his own bed, surrounded by the comforting clutter of his life with Stray Kids. The opulent halls of Blackwood Manor, the terrifying battles, the searing sunlight – it all felt like a fever dream.
He threw back the covers, wincing slightly at the stiffness in his muscles. It had only been a few days since he'd been taken by the vampire master, a whirlwind of events that felt like a lifetime. But here he was, back amongst his friends, their laughter and chatter filtering in from the living room.
He showered and dressed quickly, the urge to see his friends a physical ache in his chest. Stepping into the living room, he was greeted by a cacophony of noise. Bang Chan and Han were sprawled on the floor, furiously button-mashing on their controllers, while Changbin and Seungmin argued good-naturedly over a half-eaten bowl of cereal. Lee Know was perched on the windowsill, nose buried in a book, and Hyunjin was humming to himself as he practiced a dance move.
They all looked up as Felix entered, the noise dying down a notch. For a moment, an awkward silence settled over the room.
"Felix, hyung!" Han exclaimed, the first to break the silence. "You're back! Where'd you disappear to? Business trip?"
Felix forced a smile. "Yeah, something like that," he mumbled, the lie feeling heavy on his tongue. He couldn't tell them the truth – not yet. Not without risking their safety and his sanity.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of familiar activities – practice sessions, takeout for dinner, movie nights filled with popcorn and playful bickering. Yet, beneath the surface, Felix felt a strange disconnect. The events of the past few days had irrevocably changed him. He carried within him the secrets of a dark and dangerous world, a world he never knew existed.
As his friends drifted off to sleep, Felix stayed awake, staring out the window at the moonlit sky. He thought of Edward, the vampire master who had turned out to be a reluctant mentor and a source of unexpected solace. He thought of the freedom he'd fought for, the freedom he now cherished more than ever.
He knew, deep down, that he couldn't keep his secret forever. But for now, he would hold it close, a reminder of his courage, his resilience, and the strange, unexpected bond he'd forged in the heart of darkness. The memory would stay with him, a whisper in the back of his mind, urging him to be a better person, a source of light in a world that sometimes felt shrouded in shadows.
Felix closed his eyes, the gentle rise and fall of his friends' breaths a comforting lullaby. He was home. He was safe. And for now, that was all that mattered.

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