2 A sleepless night

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Habit is a strange thing indeed: we had already finished dinner when we got up from the table, but before that we got home, we changed and then I set the table while Finnick cooked dinner.

We ate a bit of salty bread and fish and we even had a few slices of cake left after Finnick's birthday, when was it? Two maybe three days ago?

I stare at him, I'm sad and my heart feels as heavy as an anchor, sinking further and further down.

He stares back at me smiling, but it's a bitter smile. Tonight we won't sleep, at least I'm sure I won't.

I'm in my bed and I hope that tomorrow never arrives. What will happen when they'll call him or he'll volunteer? He can do it, he can win but I'm still scared.

What will happen if they call me? Would he volunteer anyway? I don't want to go in that arena and I don't want Finnick to go either.

A tear falls silently down my cheek, maybe two, let's say three. My breathing becomes heavy, my cheeks get hotter, but I don't want to make any noise, I don't want to worry him.

Hours pass and pass and who can stop them? I just wish that tomorrow will never come. I wish I was at the beach to swim, to race or just to fish. But when the time will come tomorrow to do all of these, he will be already away, maybe already in Capitol, maybe already inside.

The morning comes while the Moon tries to find its way back to the night. My eyes are red and swollen and my head hurts.

Finnick is ready and:
"Remember to take your dress" he says.
"Yes yes I took it already" I answer trying to cover my voice, rough for all that crying. I eat a few cookies even though I'm not really hungry, I put on my shoes and then I take my school bag.

"Finnick what if-" I need to know "what if they call me? Nobody of my age has ever won"
"Calia" he says " You have nothing to worry about. This is your first time. Also there is only one sheet with your name on it and you know how many people there are in District 4? Thousands. You have nothing to worry about".
He takes my hand and he caresses it reassuringly.

The Life and Tragedy of Calia OdairWhere stories live. Discover now