4 Are you coming home big brother?

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I start running, I run from the square till I can see the waves crashing on the rocks. I take off my shoes I feel the sand hot under my feet, but I just want to swim.

I jump in the water with my dress still on. I start swimming and I go as further as I have ever went. I stop just to take a breath again and then I start swimming again back to the land.

I do this once, twice, so many times that I forget the number. I just want to drown my thoughts.

A lot after the Sun has went down, I start to walk home. I choose a longer way, I want to see the train station where just a few hours ago Finnick entered to go to the Capitol.

I could have gone there, I could have seen him again before he had left. Should I have done that or would I have just missed him more if I did? Even though it doesn't seem possible to miss him more than I am already. But, you know, what if.. what would happen, I mean, if he never comes back? I.. oh I guess, I guess I would be alone, utterly alone. Forever.

But how can I live without you my big brother.
Oh Finn it's raining Finnick, even the sky cries for you. But you said you'll come back, I hope you'll come back, I trust you'll come back brother. Don't leave me alone.

I'm home, tonight I won't sleep. I eat some bread and some meat, I'm not hungry but I know you would want me to eat.

And so slowly the first night pass and so does the second. Soon it'll be July 11th and you'll enter that arena, you'll be there, inside.

Days pass one by one and after my lessons, I stay at school till five to watch the interviews and the commentary; then I go to the square to watch you and anything they could say about you. I stay there until I get so hungry that I have to run back home.

Finnick just did his interview, I think it went pretty well. He made them notice that he was the youngest one. He was smiling, he is always smiling. But the look on his face wasn't happy.

And then before I could even acknowledge it, he was there, right there in that arena, already inside. I see him, he's fighting and killing, or hiding or running. It seems that he's one of the favorites, he often gets gifts: he's never starving or thirsty, and they gave him weapons sometimes.

I miss him so deeply. I miss his hugs and his caresses, he's words that would always make me feel better. I love how anytime we are fishing he dives right deep in the sea just to find some pretty seashells for me. I love that even if he isn't great he always try to braid my hair. He's so protective and sweet, and so smart. I love my brother and I can't bear the thought of imagining if the moments that I spend in class could also be his last.

It's only during training that I don't think about it. All my problems become small, easy to solve with just a good lunge, it's a great distraction. And if I'm not in training class I'm swimming, and if I'm not swimming I'm watching Finnick.

Then finally something I couldn't even hope for, one of the drones gives my brother a heavy strong trident, it looks like the one we have at home but this is made completely out of gold.

Finnick succeeds to create a net with grass and leaves and he starts to trap all of his enemies. There were 13 people left, and after a day only 8, then 5, 3, and at the end it remained only my brother and a guy from District 2.

Finn haunts him down and finally after a last cannon shot..

"The winner of the 65th Hunger Games is Finnick Odair" shouts a voice from a microphone.

But I don't hear any of this, I'm too happy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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