Chapter 13

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Clawdeen collapsed on the grass, it had been a long night of patrolling and keeping kids safe her eyes drooped and she curled up into a ball and fell asleep. Toralei sneaked up to her and yelled

Toralei: CLAWDEEN!

Clawdeen: AHHH!

Clawdeen glared at Toralei

Clawdeen: yes?

Toralei: you have been sleeping like a rock a lot lately

Clawdeen: so?

Toralei: so? it's not your first time!

she noticed blood on Clawdeen's paws

Toralei: what happened to your paws?

Clawdeen hid her paws under her as she laid back down

Clawdeen: Mind Your Damn Business!

Toralei: we are practically sisters, so it is my business

Clawdeen: I'll tell you later! now let me sleep, please...

Toralei: fine, but if your lazy butt isn't up by sunrise...

Clawdeen: whatever....

Toralei noticed something in the woods

Toralei: CLAWDEEN!

Clawdeen: Oh Come On! That Wasn't Even 5 Seconds!

Toralei: Askari's In The Woods!

Clawdeen: WHAT!?

she got close to Toralei's face


Toralei: Slow Down Furball! I just saw a glimpse of him, I think he went down a cliff... I think at least

Clawdeen: oh okay, phew...

Clawdeen stretched and stood up

Clawdeen: show me the way

Toralie and Clawdeen walked into the forest and saw the cliff along with some blue fur and bloody paw prints

Clawdeen: stay here

Toralei: you sure you'll be okay on your own?

Clawdeen: I've gotten through worst

Clawdeen climbed down the cliff as Toralei waited up there, a bit worried. soon Clawdeen reached the bottom and began looking around, she tried to find his scent but couldn't find anything

Clawdeen: there is no way he sneaked away, his ego's too big for that

she saw some blood on the ground and followed the trail to a small cave, she had to go on her knees and crawl to enter, suddenly she heard rumbling and she was sent falling down a hole, she grabbed a vine and held on for dear life as she stared at the empty abyss under her

Clawdeen: hello? anyone out there? I'll even take you Askari!

the vine began breaking, she quickly jumped and clawed at the walls until she got a good grip on them, she saw the vine fall, she used all her strength to climb the walls, cutting her paws in the process, leaving blood running down the walls. she finally made it to another small cave, she winced and looked at her paws, she brushed the pain aside and began walking through the cave

Clawdeen: this better lead to a way out, don't I suffer enough already?

she continued walking until she saw a room and inside was a bunch of purple wolves praying to something, they were praying to a hole in the floor with torches all around it. she hid behind some rocks

Monster High: Destiny Book 3: DAWN OF THE WERE-RULERWhere stories live. Discover now