Chapter 16

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Draculaura was in a dungeon beneath the catacombs of Monster High with her father

Draculaura: so... when exactly did you find it?

Dracula: maybe 2 weeks ago

they looked at a purple snake with spikes biting at the cage it was trapped in and hissing at them

Dracula: I remember seeing Crabgrass all those years ago with this snake... 2 weeks ago nothing indicated it's more than just a... curious memento. and with all my meetings, I just locked it up down here and forgot about it, but I guess when you got rid of crabgrass

the snake shot some black acid at them

Dracula: something in it awoken. we're afraid that everyone will be in trouble if it escapes

Draculaura: yeah, snakes around here are poisonous. and this thing has acid and I hope it can't shoot spikes

Draculaura's hands had a pink aura surround them

Draculaura: Crabgrass was pretty powerful, so powerful that she almost took over my body. so I'm not surprised she gave some of her power to her snake. lucky for us, Codex has taught me how to feel other people's power and I can rip it out of them if I want

Draculaura slowly approached it as it hissed and backed up. Draculaura began feeling black magic, strong black magic

Draculaura: it's... strong...

her eyes suddenly turn to slits as red mist comes out of it. she tries to fight the black magic as sweat appears on her face

Clawdeen: Drac? you there?

Draculaura: Too Strong...

Clawdeen walks down the stairs

Clawdeen: Draculaura?

Draculaura: I CAN'T CONTROL IT!

Clawdeen: What The-

Draculaura breaks free but the snake breaks the cage and lunges for Clawdeen

Draculaura: WATCH OUT!

the snake bit Clawdeen's finger. Clawdeen threw it off and held her bleeding index finger

Clawdeen: ouch...

Dracula: Claw-

Draculaura rushed to Clawdeen and crushed her into a hug

Draculaura: Clawdeen! Are You Okay!?

Clawdeen: I'm... I'm fine.

Clawdeen hides behind Draculaura a bit

Clawdeen: is that... is that a snake with spikes?

Draculaura: yeah...

Clawdeen: and what happened with you, you had red mist coming out of your eyes

Draculaura: don't worry about it sis, *sigh* you really scared me...

Draculaura used her magic to trap the snake again

Dracula: what do you think apple of my fang?

Draculaura: I think we should research before touching that thing

Clawdeen: *yawn* well it has to wait for tomorrow, because your little sister needs her beauty rest

Draculaura: speaking of which, why are you not in bed?

Clawdeen: because a certain vampire is not in her's

they walk out of the dungeon while Dracula puts an extra lock on the cage door

Monster High: Destiny Book 3: DAWN OF THE WERE-RULERWhere stories live. Discover now