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I woke up and got out of bed and checked the time, "shit its 12:00" I hurried up and got dressed It was way past the time I would usually wake up and I didn't stay at jake and johnnies very long. It was about 4:20 when we got to my house.

I came outside of my room walking down the stairs with my head down as I heard a beep coming from my phone

"Hey!" Kat smiled as she put her phone down "you don't usually wake up this late its nearly- its lunch, Is everything okay?" 

I would curl my lips into a small smile, my piercings shifted as I began to speak "yeah everything's fine really at least I think its fine?" I questioned my own words making my way towards the kitchen where I left my phone.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath as I read the text.

You've been added to a group!

Jake: Johnnie just tried fucking killing himself after you left! 

What the fuck jake? :You

Your being real right? Im coming over hold on :You

Shit shit shit 

"uh Kat I need to head out." I rushed to put my leather boots on as I grabbed my keys 

 "Woah woah woah what happened??" Kat would drop her phone "what's the rush?" I sighed "johnnie fucking tried killing himself after I left the house last night"

Katrina backed away slowly nodding "okay.... you always, leave can I come to?".

I would hug Kat "yeah I guess but you cant meet to many people, C'mon" Kat nodded and put her futuristic white boots on as we left.


It was about 4:52 as we pulled in the driveway, Kat got out while I was full on sprinting towards the door I still have The keys jake gave me so I unlocked it

Once I opened the door all I heard was screaming, crying, and tara screaming for johnnie to wake up

"Fuck." I stared at Johnnies limp body laying on the floor of the kitchen covered in a crimson liquid with tears threatening to escape my eyes as Kat stood behind me with her hands to her mouth.

Words just lingered in my mind making sentences that made me wanna fucking die

Dont cry you'll look fucking stupid 

Dont cry no crying


He's dead dumbass 

Just leave it'll all be over

Nothing is gonna happen if you go kill yourself right now..... At least you'll be with him again..


I hate this.

I dont like this.

~𝓜𝓘𝓝𝓔~ |Johnnie GuilbertWhere stories live. Discover now