Prologue II

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"Traveler, I'm deeply sorry we couldn't find any answers you were hoping for. But, I would say Fontaine will be your next destination. Maybe the hydro archon will have answers. But before you go, please go visit Rex lapis" Nahida told the duo

"Rex lapis? What could he want?" Paimon wonders aloud

"It wouldn't hurt to go Paimon" traveler says scratching their head

"Off you go now, I'm sure you want to find your sibling soon" Nahida ushered

After a long walk through the chasm, they finally reach Liyue harbor. Immediately, they walk to the wangsheng funeral parlor to see if Rex lapis aka zhongli is working. Fortunately, he was currently at wanmin restaurant getting lunch. Paimon cheers as they head over, thinking about all of the food they were going to eat while catching up.

When they arrive, they put their order in and went to find a table or zhongli, whichever came first. Luckily, zhongli was already at a table by himself. The traveler and Paimon both go over and take a seat, greeting the geo archon.

"So, Fontaine is your next stop?" He asks as he eats his bamboo shoot soup

"Yep, we're hoping to leave as soon as we can" Paimon says excitedly

"I see, if you wouldn't mind, I have a friend per say who I think should accompany you to Fontaine" zhongli suggests

"Who is it?" Traveler inquires

"The muse goddess who resides in chenyu vale"

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