Part 1: Evangeline

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Ok, so hi. My name is Evangeline. I was one of few who survived the Zombie Apocalypse. Yes, it sounds like it could never happen, like a fairy tale, but it did. This story was probably covered up with something or someone that said it never happened, but I think people should know what had really happened.
"Science test today," Mr. Kendal said. He handed a two paged, double sided test to each student.
Wow, that was a tricky test, I thought as my class headed to P.E. "Good morning, class, first we will do 200 jump ropes,then drink water, then practice the memory verse, then stretch, and then play a game," said Mr. Raynor, the P.E. teacher. After we had done the jump ropes and stretches waited for Mr. Raynor to give us further instructions, but he just stood there with his head down. J'son, in the 8th grade, inquired if he was okay. Mr. Raynor let out a low groan, and sprang on top of J'son. Someone shrieked, ( not sure who), and then I realized why. I noticed that Mr. Raynor had pale sickly green skin and yellow eyes. Zombie. The thought struck my mind like lightning. This isn't happening, there is no such thing as zombies, but it was right before my eyes. J'son was getting smaller and smaller, and turning paler and paler. He looked like a chinchilla ( If you happen to know what one looks like) but a zombie. He leapt on top of a student and bit them with two long fangs. They, too, started to change. I didn't stop to see who it was, because Mr. Raynor was heading straight for me. "Come back, Come back, you still have to do P.E." he said in a raspy voice. ( Ok, question, would you turn into a zombie just to do P.E.? I don't think so. You'd have to be crazy to do something like that.)
I hurriedly ran to the front door and up the flights of stairs to the music room where I locked the door. Wow, why are there so many people here? I thought. I realized the principal, Mr. Sapovol, had noticed what had happened and rushed all the kids he could into that room. Mr. Sapoval was handing out weapons he had gotten from somewhere. ( Where? I'll tell you later.) There were approximately six people I knew in the classroom, some other kids in younger grades, and even an orange tabby cat. "Who's the cat?" I asked, after I had been given a weapon: two sharp sickles. "It's me," said the cat. "Karen? How did you turn into a cat?" I inquired. "No idea," she responded. "One second I was a human and the other I was a cat, though actually, it's not that bad.This is actually so pasta." Maybe it's a different symptom from the apocalypse, I thought. I looked around to see what weapons the people I knew got. Eclipse (my friend's strange nickname), was given a scythe, Charlene was given a laser gun, Mr. Tem, a Muramasa blade, Kayden, an axe, and Mr. Sapoval had a rocket launcher. Some of the other people got weapons too. We were ready.
There was banging on the door and we looked out the window. There were about 12 zombies, More than half of them were students. One of the zombies was Mr. Raynor, and one was even my grammar teacher from last year, Miss Lisa. It seemed like most of the school was zombified. The only way out was through the back window, which was three stories high. It was a death or undeath situation. I was going to fight my way through the zombies till I was one of them. Crash. One of the zombies had broken through the window. Charlene shot it with her laser gun and it disintegrated into purple dust. That didn't hold back the other zombies though. Mr. Sapoval shot at them with his rocket launcher and even more disintegrated, this time into a black dust.
I realized that if you want to kill a zombie you have to stab it in the heart. Eclipse, realizing this too, swung her scythe and a few more disintegrated into obsidian black dust. The zombies were coming closer and closer, their yellow teeth closing in on their targets. "Lu!" Eclipse yelled as the zombies bit some of the younger students, and they too, metamorphosed into zombies. At first their eyes turned a misty gray, and their skin became faded. Then came the green, the pale, pale green, crawling up their skin like thousands of insects and eyes like shining amber. We were backed up to the back window. We fought, but there was no hope. This is it, I thought. I closed my eyes, waiting to open my eyes as an undead. But suddenly a huge soft paw lifted me up and put me on something fluffy. It was Karen. Apparently she had the power to transform into any size, large to very small. She had scooped up the 6 remaining people with her paws and had jumped out the back window. She landed safely ( all cats land on their feet) and headed to the black asphalt street nearby. She bounded over the zombies and crashed cars in an orange blur. While zooming over everything, I had just enough time to see Mr. Kendall distracting the zombies with complex math problems and Brandon warding off the zombies with a pencil, ( I know what you are thinking, really a pencil?) before they both were bitten by the rotting yellow teeth of a zombie. Their fate was the same as the rest who had been bitten. They transformed into zombies, Brandon turning into a giant spider zombie. It looked like Karen was headed in the direction of Naha. There were hundreds of zombies everywhere, waiting for the next living soul to come near.
We came to an abandoned square, near a convenience store. No one was there, so we gathered some food and paid our money in the tip jar. Then we retracted the money because the owners were probably zombies. How could this happen? I thought. How did this start? All those people. Did anyone else escape?
"Where are we going next?" Charlene asked. "Somewhere safe, away from zombies," replied Mr. Sapoval. "Where would that be?" inquired Kayden, his axe gleaming in the setting sun. "I saw a household goods store, it looked empty. We could go there," suggested Karen. "Good idea, " said Eclipse, finally speaking,"The sun is setting so it's about 5:07pm, wherever we're headed we should get moving." "I agree," I said, still stuck in my thoughts. We all climbed on Karen a second time, and headed to the place Karen had mentioned. "You're right, it looks abandoned," said Mr. Sapoval. "But we better be cautious." Karen changed back into her normal cat size and we went inside. All we could see were the household appliances. There were beds, chairs, tables, etc. We ate some of the food, and slept, each in our own bed or couch. Mr. Tem and Mr. Sapoval took the first watch. I fell asleep, wondering what would happen to us next. A couple hours later Eclipse and I were woken for our shift. All was dead silence except for the shallow breathing of our sleeping comrades.
It was quiet enough that I could hear my own thoughts. I hope my siblings escaped. I hope my parents knew what happened and escaped.
I held my sickles out in front of me, taking in the silver gleam from the moon. A strange feeling came from them, like they were talking to me, warning me.
Then I heard it, a low groaning sound. "Did you hear that?" I asked Eclipse. She lifted up her head and closed her eyes like she does when she's trying to detect a sound. There it was again, the groaning sound. Eclipse nodded, signaling that she heard it. We ran to the door of the back room and swung it open. Pitch black. Eclipse switched on a flash light she had found and shone the beam around the room. Staring back at us were hundreds of dead, yellow gazes. "Run!" I screamed. We ran to the others. "Wake up!!! There are zombies here, we'll be eaten alive if we don't go NOW!!!" we screamed. The others jumped up, grabbed their weapons and ran out the door, just before the zombies came out, eyes shining yellow malicious gleams. We were trapped, there were too many zombies in one spot for Karen to jump over. Then Kayden let out a blood curdling scream. He had tripped and had been bitten, so we grabbed him, tape his mouth shut and tied him up with a black rope we had found, so that if we did escape we could try to cure him without being bitten ourselves. "Dear God, please save us!" I prayed aloud. Suddenly a huge red-orange figure landed right in front of us. It was a phoenix. "Hop on," she said. We hurriedly got on her back, she flew up and breathed fire on all the zombies below. "Who are you?" Mr. Tem interrogated. "It's me, Yoyo," said the phoenix, her feathers glowing in the rising sun. God has saved us, I thought. We landed near an abandoned farm waiting until day fully came.

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