Chapter 1

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My life had taken so many turns for the odd that odd had become my new normal. First I got kidnapped from my college finals, then I was forced to become part of a game where a bunch of cryptids were supposed to kill me, then I managed to free all of my pursuers from the curse that forced them to participate, and one flee across the whole country, I was officially joining a rebellion so I could take down the Emperor that dragged me into all of this to begin with.

And that brought us to what happened when we got through that portal and ended up at the rebel's camp. When I opened my eyes again after stepping through that portal, I found myself in a different-looking wooded area with big tents surrounding the area. Rhys, my transgender orc girlfriend still had my left hand, while Baugh and Jagos, our adopted kids, had taken my right, all of us linked together like the family we had become. Daniel had lagged behind, but that was to watch our six, not disassociate from our little family, as much as he liked to pretend he wasn't totally in on the whole thing.

"Welcome to Redemption," said Dimitri, the white-furred wolf-man in leather armor who had found us in the burnt remains of a village, "The main headquarters of our rebellion against the empire."

"Nice place." I said, "Easton hasn't found any of you yet?"

"Not yet," said Dimitri, "Though it might only be a matter of time before he does, especially since my people and I want to start moving into our endgame plans as soon as possible."

"Endgame?" Rhys said, "You're already at that stage?"

"We've been rebelling against the empire since I was a boy," said Dimitri, "I learned my ways from the old leader, my predecessor, an inspiring half-elf named Syllen, who passed away a few years back, and was replaced by our current leader."

"And that would be me." said another wolf-man who had been walking over to us, a head taller than Dimitri, and black-furred, polar opposite from Dimitri's snow-white fur.

"Rogal!" Daniel said, pushing past Rhys and I to grab the wolf's paw and shake it.

"It's been far too long Daniel," said Rogal, "And it's great to see you again."

"You two know each other?" Rhys asked.

"We've known each other for a long time." said Rogal, "Who knew we'd end up battling this sort of tyranny all over again?"

"I try not to think of the past too much, Rogal." said Daniel, "What you might remember fondly, me not so much."

"Ah yes," said Rogal, "My apologies, Daniel, I know you try not to remember too much from that."

"In the meantime," said Daniel, "We should begin our plans for taking down the empire. We're heading into the endgame now, we need to prepare for it."

"But what's changed?" I asked, "If you guys have been rebelling for decades with no progress, what does me surviving the Requiem Run have to do with causing a massive change like that?"

"You did more than just survive," said Dimitri as he stepped forward into the talking circle, "You showed the people of Xeastea that the Runners were never in on all of this willingly, and freed them from their possessions, and now even they have joined our cause!"

"Wait, what?!" I said, "The Runners are in Redemption?!"

"Not just in Redemption!" said Rogal, "They're here, in the camp, just inside the master tent behind me!"

I froze to the spot. I should have been happy about that; I was the person who saved them after all, but for some reason, my blood ran cold just thinking of the fact that the Runners, people who had tried to kill me, were just feet away from me.

"Wouldn't they know we're here by now?" Rhys asked, "Xelsa and Killian had senses beyond normal humans."

"The camp is littered with silmeek flowers," said Dimitri, "You know those types of flowers?"

"We've had to use them on occasion, yes," I said, "They hide scents."

"Exactly," said Dimitri, "But they mess with people in their vicinity. Those like Xelsa and Killian aren't able to use their acute senses when in the camp. But they've been itching to meet you."

"Oh, I bet." I said, "Are they okay to see me?"

"Of course!" said Rogal, motioning to the big tent behind himself, "They're all in there, recuperating from the rescue mission and travel to the camp. And there's someone else here who wants to meet you..."

Rogal whistled, and someone came running from behind the trees. Someone I never thought I'd get the chance to see again. Rhys squealed when she saw her.

"MAMA!" she yelled, and she rushed to embrace the tall red-haired elf, shortly afterwards joined by me.

Tarja looked none the worse for wear from the last time I'd seen her; her face was a little dirtier and her hair wasn't as done up as it had been before, but none of that mattered.

"You're alive!" I said.

"Indeed I am," said Tarja, "It's so good to see the two of you again. Especially you, Rhys."

Tarja took a moment to specifically hug Rhys, who hugged her back as she sobbed loudly.

"Tarja, what happened?" I asked, "How did you escape from the castle?"

"As you'll recall, I was cursed so that I could not leave the castle grounds," said Tarja, "But your friend Daniel here was able to help, along with my old friend. It's so good to see you again, Avarice."

Avarice, the powerful spellcaster I had spent almost a year looking for so she could send me home, stepped forward and placed her hands in Tarja's, then leaned in close to her, their noses almost touching.

"It's been too long, my dear Tarja," said Avarice, "We must become reacquainted the next time we have a chance to be alone."

Tarja went flush; it was the first time I'd ever seen her anywhere near flustered.

"We do," Tarja said after a moment, "But for now, I'd like to get reacquainted with my children, if you don't mind."

Avarice kissed Tarja on the cheek and stepped away while Tarja turned her attention back to us.

"Riley, did you hear about the Runners?" Tarja asked.

"I sure did," I said, "They're here. I was just on my way to see them."

"We can give you some time to get re-acquainted before we start talking strategy and plans." said Rogal, motioning to the master tent, "I'm sure you boys have a lot to talk about."

Rogal paused for a moment and stepped over to Daniel.

"Besides, Daniel and I have some catching up to do," Rogal said as he placed his arm around the man's shoulders, "It's been a while, old friend."

"Far too long." said Daniel, "You go on ahead, Riley."

"Catch you in a minute, buddy." I said as I turned back to the master tent. I reached for the tent flap, then I stopped.

"It's weird," I said as I stood outside the tent, "I'm so scared to pull this flap back and see them again."

"But we saved them!" said Rhys, "Well, you did. You know what they were back then isn't who they actually are."

"Still," I said, "It's... it's scary."

"It's okay to be scared," said Rhys as she took my free hand, while Baugh and Jagos crowded behind me, "We're right here."

I nodded to her, smiled, and pulled the flap of the tent back and stepped inside.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I entered the tent. There they were, standing in front of Rogal's table, backs to me, but there was no mistaking the Runners.

I had thought it would be easy to just walk in and say something smooth, but just seeing these men brought back all the bad memories. Rhys gently squeezed my hand, and I managed to squeak something out.

"... Hello boys."

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