Chapter 4

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Sure enough, Daniel and Rogal were standing in front of a map, speaking quietly to themselves.

"Hey guys," I said, "Do you have a plan yet?"

When Daniel looked up, his eyes widened.

"you dyed your hair back to blonde?" he said.

"Courtesy of Zappiel," I said as I joined them at the map, "What am I looking at here?"

"We're working on removing as many reserves from the emperor's clutches as possible," said Rogal, "Fortunately, there are a lot more villages being coerced than working willingly."

"These villages have some strong people," said Daniel, "Cross-breeds, orcs, powerful elves, all the good stuff. If we can liberate them, we'll hurt the Empire severely, even if none of them choose to side with us."

"At this point, we're going to have to take neutrality over enemies," said Rogal, "Though considering the state of the empire at this point, many of these villages are going to probably want to put that damned monster in his place."

"Sounds good to me," I said, "Where do we start?"

"That's the trick," said Daniel, "As soon as Easton gets word that these villages are getting liberated, he's going to do one of two things. Either he's going to put the squeeze on the ones he has left to keep them in line..."

"Or burn them all to the ground in a blaze of glory," said Rogal, "His logic would be if he can't have them, no one can. Either way, not good."

"You got that right." I said, "How do we play this?"

"We're going to have to split," said Rogal, "Take a bunch of them at once, then unite for the bigger cities and villages to liberate them."

"It's the only way we can think of to keep the citizen bloodshed to a minimum." said Daniel, "Now we're just focusing on which villages need more people, and which need less."

"There are several small villages and strongholds around the castle that we're focusing on right now." said Rogal, "I'm thinking we go for three of them, then get two of the others that are close by, and regroup for the bigger areas."

"That sounds like a plan," I said, "Though I'm not used to war, so I'm not sure of the quality."

"It's about as good as we're gonna get." said Rogal, "It also sounds real familiar to me."

"It should, it used to be yours." said Daniel, "It's always been your go-to, Rogal."

"I remember it well," said Rogal, "But that was a long time ago. Feeling nostalgic, Daniel?"

"Not exactly," said Daniel, "Just had some time to think about the past. Haven't done that in a little bit."

"I know what you mean." said Rogal, "Speaking of which, I know now is not the time, but there's someone else who wants to see you..."

Just as Rogal said that, someone came into the main tent - another cross breed, like Rogal and Dimitri, only this one didn't look like a wolf, she looked like a deer. Complete silence followed, so quiet a pin could drop and we would all hear it.

"... Elena?" Daniel said, his voice completely changed - he sounded quiet, like he couldn't believe what he was saying, or that he was close to crying.

"Long time no see, Daniel." said the cross-breed, Elena, as she stepped over to us, "I never thought I'd get the chance to see you again."

"I thought you were still..." Daniel said, choking up before he could finish that sentence. Elena slowly walked over to the man and raised a hand to his face.

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