Chapter 17

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We had some time left before it was time to go, so I decided to get some last-minute rest. When I found myself in a dark, yet warm void, I knew what was going to happen before I even turned and saw Katie sitting in front of me.

"So you're married now," said Katie, "How does that feel?"

"Unreal." I said, "After everything that's happened to me so far, this is the most unreal thing."

"What, you never expected to be married and have children all before you're 20?" Katie asked with a smile.

"Sounds like the norm around here." I said.

"I mean, you're probably right about that." Katie said, "But now you're prepared to lose it all, right?"

"No," I said, "Because I'm not going to. I'm not losing anything, not now, not ever again."

"That's my girl," said Katie, "Fighting to the bitter end so she can turn it into a sweet one."

"Are you even real?" I asked, "Are you the real Katie Menton's spirit, coming to my dreams to give me a pep talk, or are you just some figment of my imagination that I made up to calm myself down before the final battle?"

"Who knows?" said Katie, giving an exaggerated shrug as well, "I sure as hell don't. Whatever happens from this point onward, we'll see each other again... one day, at least."

And that, conveniently, was when I woke up, a couple hours after going to sleep since the sun was just starting to set, which meant it was time to make the preparations.


The preparation for the march on the castle was something we had to prepare for in silence. It wasn't like I could think of anything to say anyway, and no one else could either. Whatever happened, it wasn't going to be pretty, and people might die - just a fact of war, but something we still had to accept.

Felice helped me sharpen my sword as razor-sharp as we could, practice some combat on a training dummy, both Felice controlling my body and me trying to do it myself. Needless to say, she was hitting a lot harder - even more than usual.

"We're gonna beat him." I said, "He doesn't stand a chance."

"I sure hope you're right." Felice said.

"I know I'm right." I said, "Do you want to fight him alone? Like, take complete control of my body to fight him? I'll let you, if you want."

"No," said Felice, "I want you with me on this, moor-acu. You and Rhys both."

"What about me?" Rhys asked as she approached us, a grim look on her face.

"Nothing," I said, "Wanna do some last-minute sparring?"

"Sounds good." said Rhys. She was barely making eye contact with me. When we sparred, she was barely even trying. Something was up, and I had a pretty good idea of what it was.

"Can you blame her?" Felice asked as Rhys and us started sparring, "After everything she's gone through? After everything she's learned about us? She's had to go through so much."

"I know." I said, "Hopefully finishing this can get the closure she needs. Her and you both."

Felice seemed quiet when I said that.

"Did I touch a nerve?" I said, "I didn't mean to."

"No, it's fine moor-acu," said Felice, "I just... I don't know how I'm feeling. Shouldn't I be angry with him? Shouldn't I want vengeance for what he did to me? That horrible man poisoned me to death over weeks. I almost went insane from lying in bed knowing I was dying, and unable to do anything about it. So why don't I hate him more? I know I don't like him, not even a little, but why don't I hate a burning desire to see him dead?"

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