Chapter 18

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"This is it!" Rogal said as we charged across the now-lowered bridge, "This is really it, we're going in!"

I never heard him sound so ecstatic and cheerful. It was contagious; I was starting to hype myself up as well as we bust through the double doors to the front hall of the castle. Just being back in that place after so long still filled me with dread.

"I hate this place." I said, glaring at the walls and floors, "All it does is bring back bad memories for me."

"I hear you." Rhys said, "I've lived here as long as I can remember, and all this place does is make me sick. Can we burn it down after we defeat Easton?"

"Absolutely not!" said Rogal,

"Hey, I'm just kidding!" Rhys said, "You know... mostly."

"Where do we go?" I asked, "Is there anything we have to do first before we finally bring Easton down?"

"We have to get to the throne room before he gets a chance to get away," said Rogal, "Sallaena's probably retreated to get back to him."

"Let's move then!" I said, "Rhys, you know the way to the throne room, right?"

"Mama taught me specifically so I wouldn't wander into the area by accident," said Rhys, "Follow me!"

We did just that, making sure to keep close as Rhys led us through the castle, taking down a few straggling guards along the way.

"Riley," Rogal said quietly as if he didn't want Rhys to hear, "Do you plan to fight Easton? I'll fight alongside you if you would allow it."

"Thanks Rogal," I said, "But this is my fight. I have to fight Easton alone."

"If you insist." Rogal said, "But know we are always behind you. Especially her."

"Oh, I know." I said, "I know very well."

Rhys stopped right in front of a large set of wooden double doors, and turned to me.

"This leads to the throne room," said Rhys, "Easton and his right hand are behind that door. Are you ready, Riley?"

I froze in front of the door, like my feet were routed to the ground. I turned to Baugh and Jagos.

"Rhys, kids," I said, "Don't step in unless Easton's about to kill me. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Riley!" Rhys said.

"We don't have time to argue!" I said, "You're still gonna be there, and you're still gonna be supporting me! But I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you!"

Rhys looked like she was about to keep going, but when she glanced down at Jagos and Baugh, she looked back up and nodded.

"They won't hurt them," said Rhys, "But if I even think something's going wrong with you, I'll jump in immediately."

I turned to the Runners. All of them smiled back at me. Xelsa saluted and said, "By your orders, ma'am." while the others just respectfully bowed.

"Gentlemen," I said, "It is an honor to be here with you right now. So what do you say we finish this once and for all?"

The men nodded.

"Ready?" Rogal asked me. I nodded. Rhys squeezed my hand before she stepped back with Baugh and Jagos.

"One, two..." Rogal and I said. Rogal took a deep breath, I clenched my sword, and we kicked the door at the same time, opening it in the blink of an eye. Rhys and the boys stepped back into the shadows, just as we planned, while Rogal, Amarille, and I ran into the throne room, shortly afterwards followed by Kydro, Xelsa, Killian, and Zappiel.

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