Listen to Your Heart

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Sunday 8th August, 1943, AAF Thorpe Abbott

The mess hall buzzed with energy as Buck and Johnny sat at breakfast with Curt, who slowly moved his powdered eggs around on his plate with his fork.

"I can't eat this shit anymore," he groaned, pushing the plate away from him.
John took a slow sip of his "coffee," raising an eyebrow at the man. "Then don't eat it."

"Oh wow," Biddick quipped. "What a great idea, Bucky. I'd never thought of that."

The major smirked behind his mug and shot his friend a wink. Buck watched on in amusement, used to the two going back and forth as he and John did.

Leaning his elbows on the table, Curt leaned over the table toward John with a teasing glare. "Have you heard anything from Ruthie? Has she mentioned me? I thought I made a good first impression the other night."

"Hmm," Johnny hummed, pursing his lips for a moment before pointing at Biddick. "That's Nurse Morgan to you, you dodo. I'm surprised you even remember anything from the dance with how drunk you were."

"Oh I couldn't forget a face like that," he chuckled.

John's eyes narrowed playfully as he clasped his hands together and leaned on the table. "Well it's a good thing for me that she could forget yours, then," he clapped back. "And you're not the one she kissed goodnight."

Buck rolled his eyes and continued to eat his breakfast as Egan's loud, wide-mouthed cackle echoed through the mostly quiet mess hall. Curt then turned to Gale with a raised brow. "How about Hope-"

"Nope," Buck interrupted calmly, raising his cup and taking a sip of his steaming coffee.

The other two men watched him as a tiny grin formed on the Major's lips. Although he didn't talk about it much, they could tell Buck had already developed deep feelings for the woman.

Raising his eyebrows at Curt, John grinned. "Oh boy."

"You've got it bad, Buck," Biddick laughed, his hand landing on Gale's shoulder roughly. "You gotten a reply to your letter yet?"

Thinking of the perfectly folded letter from Ruth he'd picked up that morning sitting in his breast pocket, John smiled down at his food, warmth spreading through him at the thought of the blonde. Buck, however, pursed his lips and shook his head at the question.

"I actually haven't written her yet," he sighed, running a hand down his face. "I want-"

"What!?" Johnny all but yelled, his eyes widening as coffee almost spewed from his mouth. "Why the hell not, Buck? I already sent one to Ruth and got a response."

Gale groaned and put down his fork with a clink. "Because of Hugh."

"Why are you so worried about Charlie?" Curtis asked, wearing a confused expression.

"Because he's in my squadron. And he's her brother."

John pointed and leaned over the table at him. "Hope's a big girl, Buck. She can make her own decisions. Screw what Hugh says."

"But-" Gale started but was once again cut off by Bucky.

"He's gonna hate you even more if he thinks you're leading her on. You not sending Hope a letter isn't making anything better," he said, a smirk beginning to tug at his lips as he continued. "On top of the condom situation."

John and Curt busted out into chuckles as Buck just groaned, closing his eyes tightly. "Oh, please don't remind me."

The ideal chatter was disturbed by the door to the mess hall swinging back on its hinges with a crash, followed by heavy footfall as Hugh all but stormed through the building like a tornado. He snatched a mug off a table and poured himself a steaming cup of black coffee before marching past the trio, staring daggers at Gale who looked up worriedly from his breakfast.

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