One Helluva Party

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Wednesday, September 8th: AAF Grove, Berkshire: 2200 HRS

Ruth's boots thudded against the cement floor of the girls' hut as she paced up and down the center aisle. The blonde held a slip of paper, pouring over the list on it endlessly.

"Streamers, check. Distracting John duty, check. Cha-"

"Ruth," Hope groaned. "Go to bed. You've looked over that list a million times."

Her steps halted and she turned to her friend with a sigh. "I just want his party to be perfect."

"I know you do, but you have nothing to worry about. Tatty and Helen are getting everything taken care of until we can get up there tomorrow. Please go to sleep, Rue."  Hope rolled over on her small cot, turning away from her pacing friend.

"Fine," Ruth relented, tossing the list onto her nightstand before sliding beneath her covers. She rolled over to face Hope, her lips pursed in thought. "Do you think-"

"Go to sleep."

Her mind wouldn't shut off as she continued to worry about the party. "But what-"

"Ruth! Just shut up and sleep." Hope didn't even open her eyes to scold her this time, and she pulled the covers up over her head.

"Okay," she sighed quietly, turning onto her back, her mind still racing over all the events for the following day. She only hoped that everything would go according to plan.

The Next Day: Sep. 9th: Thorpe Abbotts AAF Base, Norwich: 1500 HRS

The previous night was filled with restless sleep for Ruth, and her nervousness battled excitement in her chest when Frank discreetly pulled up behind the Red Cross hut.

"I'm not your personal chauffeur, you know," he sassed, turning off the engine. "I don't like wasting my day passes to take you two up here."

Hope rolled her eyes as she got out of the car. "But you still do it each time we ask, don't you?"

Frank mumbled some choice words under his breath, helping the girls unload their bags from the trunk of the car. "I only do this so I know you get here safely. With your navigation skills and Ruth's nerves, who the hell knows where you'd end up."

Hope just glared at him with narrowed eyes. She wasn't that bad of a navigator but they missed one turn once and he'd given her hell for it ever since.

Helen and Tatty hurried down the steps to greet them, both quickly embracing the girls. The four had become good friends over their multiple visits to Thorpe Abbott and their reunions always resulted in a big hug.

"You two ready for tonight," Tatty asked, hurrying Ruth and Hope inside.

"You betcha, Ruth's been driving me up the wall planning the damn thing. I've been waiting for her to have a nervous breakdown over it." Hope smiled fondly at Ruth who just continued to chew her lip anxiously.

The blonde sighed. "I just want everything to be has to be."

"And it will be Ruth," Helen placed an arm around Ruth's shoulder. "Don't worry, everything is in hand."

"The boys are on a mission and won't be back until around four this afternoon. I've got Cleven and Armstrong on diversion duty to keep John as far away from the Officers' Club as possible," Tatty informed them, bundling a box of bunting underneath her arm. "We've got our work cut out ladies, but I think we can pull this off."

The first order of business was to get the decorations up.

The women carefully draped colorful streamers from every surface possible, and by the time they were through, the bland dance hall and bar were vibrant with color. Ruth removed the wrinkled list from her pocket, checking off the "decorate club" box from her to-do's.

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