The Dangerous Skies

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Monday, August 23, 1943: Thorpe Abbotts AAF Base, Norwich

Regensburg, Germany...the mission that earned the Hundredth its nickname was finally over.

Nine forts lost.

Ninety men gone just like that.

Ninety boys who would not return to their families.

Among these ninety men was Curt. Buck and John were still in shock when their small group of officers tiredly pushed through the doors into their nissen hut. A few beds were made with fresh sheets, all remnants of their previous owners long gone.

Gale flopped down on his bunk, throwing his kitbag down beside him. There was a small stack of letters on his nightstand and he stretched over the bed, his fingers grasping at the string that bound them together. His fingers running over the familiar return address as he tore open the first letter from Hope, his eyes scanning over her words quickly, desperate to know what she had written. He still had her picture from the plane tucked firmly into his pocket, he wasn't about to leave her behind in Africa.

August 17th 1943

To my dearest Gale,
I can't even begin to explain how worried I am about you. Ruth and I barely slept last night, thinking of you both preparing for your mission. I did not think it was possible to miss someone so much and after only a few hours apart as I write this. I miss you Gale. Today was perfect and I wish I could live there forever, in your arms by the river, with Meatball too of course.
The radio is playing our song right now. Well, I call it our song "You'll Never Know" which is a strange choice for our song maybe because I only hope you do know just how much I love you. I wish you were here now to sing it with me.
I have been thinking about our lives after this war. When we get home. I saw how you were with Meatball the other day and I think our first order of business as a married couple should be to get a dog. Just think of all the walks we could go on, just the three of us. Life would be so perfect.
The only comfort I can find is knowing that I'll be there with you on your mission, and not just my picture but I'll be with you in spirit all the way there and back. And I know you will come back. I have asked Hugh to keep you safe and I know that you will look out for him too. I never realised how hard it would be to have both of you in harms way. I can only hope that his stubbornness and your skills will bring you both safely home to me. You mean the world to me Gale.
Yours forever

Gale smiled fondly, his eyes lingering on 'yours forever'. He still wasn't sure how he'd ended up with someone as amazing and kind as Hope, but he thanked God every night for bringing her to him. The second letter was addressed August 19th, just two days after the previous letter and Gale smirked, knowing that Hope didn't want to seem desperate but she was just as worried as he was.

Dear Gale,
It's been exactly two days, four hours and twenty four minutes since I last wrote to you and I couldn't contain myself any longer.
She was counting down the days. Gale's heart swelled at the thought of her, sitting at the desk in the corner of the girls room, her pen sitting between her lips as she pondered what to write.
Somehow parting with you this time was so much worse than any of the others. It's like I left a piece of my heart at Thorpe Abbott with you. I hope you're keeping my heart safe wherever you are because I need you to bring it back to me.
Ruth has already begun to design her bridesmaid dress for our wedding and I fear she has broken the news to John already, I hope that doesn't put you in a bind or anything. I think she is as excited as I am. Frank has also been enquiring into wedding planning. I feel like they will have planned the whole event before we are even officially engaged.
Mrs Hope Cleven does have a nice ring to it. I've also thought more about the situation of a dog once we are back in the states and I like the sound of a spaniel. They have the sweetest little faces and the biggest droopy ears. I can't stop imagining the three of us exploring the country together.
I apologies if I'm getting ahead of myself. I know you haven't officially proposed and you must think me a foolish girl for talking about it so much, but it's the only thing that gets me through each day without you. The only thing that gets me into our plane in the morning is the thought of you and one day being in your arms once more.
On another note, I hope Hugh is keeping out of trouble. I'm afraid he's been drawn to it since he was a boy creating havoc wherever he went. You're lucky he likes you, otherwise I'm afraid he would be giving you hell.
Come back to me Gale. I love you.
Yours forever

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