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It was dark, with a faint patter of rain on concrete. Under the light of a street lamp stood a 6'3" figure. Even though it was raining, the figure just stood, thinking. "Damn it," he muttered, "I should have done something about The ROM-Verse before I came back to life from that coma I was in for almost seven years."

The figure was The ROM Wolf. Even though he may not look like a wolf, he has the power to change into a few Forms. The forms are, in order: Hellhound True Form, Hellhound Demon Form, Human True Form (which is what he is using right now), Human Demon Form, God Form, Soul Form and another Form that he is trying to figure out. With his long, curly silver hair that almost covered his eye and blue-grey eyes, he looked like a cosplayer, even with his dark t-shirt and jeans and with a dark zip-up hoodie and mountain boots, he never was taken seriously.

Suddenly, he felt a strange energy coming from a dark alley way. Cautious, he turned invisible, lightly stepping towards the energy source. Once there, The ROM Wolf took out a silver dagger engraved with blood-red words: Lupi Dolor, Latin for Wolf's Pain. Peaking around the corner, he saw what he thought were Demons. Strange, he thought, why are they here, not where they would normally be? Then he realized that one of them, a tall, clown-like demon, spoke up. "Well, let's go home, M&M," said the clown.

"But, sir," argued the one with white hair, "what do you think we should do if someone spots us?"

"Don't worry, hon." said a female demon with black hair and a cowboy-like accent.

"Yeah, listen to your wife, Moxxie," said the clown to who was Moxxie.

Who are they? The ROM Wolf thought.

Clang!!! Suddenly, his sword, which is the same material as the dagger, slid out of its sheathe, hitting the ground.

Alarmed, the demons looked around for the source of the sound. But they couldn't find it, so the clown pulled a phone out of his suit and dialed a number.

"Hey, Loony, we're done here. Can you be a good little girl and open a portal for us?"

Why does that name sound... familiar? The ROM Wolf thought.

And that was the last thought before he saw a strange portal opening.

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