Chapter two

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As you can imagine, the Noble Black family isn't particularly the most loving family to grow up into. That is why Walburga, now eight, has learned not to talk back to her parents. 

''Walburga, come here. I need you to be on your best behaviour, understood?,'' Her mother says firmly, while making sure there are no folds in little Walburga's dress. 

Walburga nods. ''Yes mother, I understand.'' 

Irma Black stands up straight again. ''Very well then. Pollux, dear, we should go. We do not want to let your cousin waiting.'' 

Pollux Black, who is dressed in a very neat suit, walks into the hallway, with a six year old boy right behind him. ''Of course. Did you talk to Walburga about behaving already?''

Mrs Black nods. 

''Of course I have. Come here  Alphard,'' Mrs Black says, while she takes the six year old in her arms. 

Mrs Black takes Walburga's little hand with her free hand, ready to apparate when her husband is ready. 


No one would know for years what was discussed between the cousins that day. 

As soon as the family arrived, they got rid of their kids in another room, so they could discuss ''business'' with Arcturus and his wife in private. 

After their parents were done talking ''business'', they stayed for a bit. Walburga was asked to play some piano, since she had lessons. She played for an hour, scared to make mistakes as she was sure her parents would make a comment about that, something she seemed to avoid. 

When Walburga got home, her mother looked down on her. But something was different. Her mother smiled, looked happy and proud. Walburga thought, at that time, that it was because she made no mistakes on the piano and she had been on her best behaviour, like her parents asked. 

Little did she know... that many years later, she would realise the real reason. And there would be nothing to stop it.

I promise that the next chapter will be longer. I suck at writing things about children at a very young age. Also, there are not that many important things that need to be written down at this age right now... 

Anyways, thank you for reading my story, I hope you enjoy it so far and that you will continue to enjoy it.

From me, the author, of course.


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