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*..*Text from the left is MOKA's thoughts
*..*Text from the right its TAESAN'sthoughts
*..*Text in the middle are THEIR thoughts


"WHAT—!!? YOU'RE MOVING OUT THE TOWN TOO—!!?" The girl with the long wavy hair yelled when she heard the shocking news her friend just said.

"Why!? Is there's anyone else who's moving out—!!?" The other girl with the long stright brown hair asked confusedly.

"Yep, Han Dongmin said that he will also move to a different school this morning—!" Danielle answered nodding pointing with her head at the brown haired boy who was sitting on his table a few seats away from them chatting with his friends.

"WHAT—!? PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE JOKING—!!?" Hyein yelled again with a shocked face.

"Ugh— it's not a joke, we're even moving out in the same day" The girl with the long black hair said after releasing a sigh, resting her chin on her hand watching the boy's back while he is chilling with his friends.

"Ugh— that means we won't meet Han Dongmin again-!!?!" Hyein pouted with a panicked face, Danielle rested her head on the table sadly when she realized that.

"Ugh— we won't be able to see that handsome face of his again" Danielle hissed about to start sobbing.

" Damn...this is so frustrating" Hyein also pouted felling so down.

"Ugh— what a way to start the week seriously—" Danielle added again but her words were cut off by Moka slamming the table at them. they both flinched looking at her who was looking at both of them pouting.

"what's this—!? I'm also moving out, y'all didn't even react like this when i said i'll move out, it seems like you two are only sad about him leaving" Moka said pouting in annoyance.

"Aygoo— don't say that, we are sad about you leaving too, right!?" Hyein said with an awkward smile trying to make her feel better.

"she's totally right—!" Danielle added with the same smile.

"By the way—" Danielle said grabbing both of their attention. "i think who gotta be sad about this news are you two" Danielle added pointing at Moka and Taesan. "Aren't you two childhood friends!? You two are always together" she added again and Hyein nodded in agreement.

"right, when high school started everyone thought you two were dating, even i did-" Hyein added and Danielle nodded.

"Dating my ass—!? Han Dongmin!? Over my dead body, There's noway y'all thought that" Moka replied kinda mad about it.

"what do you mean there's no way!? You two literally shared lollipops from each other's mouths, of course we're gonna think you're dating" Danielle said and Moka made a disgusted face.

"TBH.. i still think you have some fellings for him—!!" Hyein whispered and Moka's eyes widened, she was about to speak but Danielle was faster.

"Yeah— aren't you gonna confess or something!? You know before you two go on a separated ways and before it's too late!?" Danielle asked.

"as if— okay you Two listen, one: Me and Taesan are JUST FRIENDS" moka said raising her hand counting her fingers. "Two: i do Not and i repeat I DO NOT have any feelings for him neither dose he, and Three: non of us is gonna feel lonely, it's not like we can't live without each other or something, don't let it go to your heads" she added rolling her eyes with the last sentence, Hyein and Danielle looked at each than back at her.

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