⚕ dont have a choice ⚕

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Hunt Mannor. Tucked away in a dark forrest in rural England the lavish home stood housing Gabriel Hunt and his family. This grand house, with its sleek white walls covered in framed famous relatives each signed with "hunt" in gold ink looked like something any person could dream off. The continuous hallways and rooms created a bubble from the outside world, trapping whoever entered in a suffocation of wealth and high status. Every tile on the floor, every perfectly plump cushion, every book in the library had some kind of memory to Ruby and her Brother, good or bad. The place was a rabbit hole of lies and confinement and if you weren't careful, you would get stuck too.
A fire roared in nearly every room not letting a thing or person go cold for a second, while the family sat at the table.  
•Ruby Hunt•
"And that's why I've decided you're going."
My jaw was practically on the floor, my eyes flickered between my just as shocked brother and my mother just staring at her feet.
"You fucking what!?" Luis scrunched face shouted.
"You have to be kidding" I scoffed shaking my head.
"Don't you dare use that language!"
Gabriel bellowed as his face turned red.
He was an angry man my step father. For someone who was constantly shined in a heroic light he was a very angry man.
"I'm sick of this attitude from the pair of you!"
Gabriel Hunt, Future Minister of Magic, Gryfindor prince, some descendent of Godrick Gryffindor or something and my stepfather. To be part of the Hunt family was seen as a privilege. The money, status and respect from others was overwhelming. I was expected to behave in a certain way, which I usually obliged to not wanting him to get angry, unlike my brother who's life mission was to get under his skin.
"You children, especially you Luis, have no respect!"
"If you think I'm going all the way to Scotland you are more deluded than I thought!" Luis continued.
I just stared at Gabriel in disgust dropping my fork as he continued shouting and slamming his fists against the table making my mother flinch.
"I'm not going." I shook my head.
"You don't have a choice." Gabriel nodded leaning over with a sarcastic grin making me lean back.
He was disgusting, utterly disgusting. He hated me and especially my brother and god did he show it. Luis was the spit of my father, or so I was told, he left when I was four so I don't remeber him really. The only stories I have heard were from Gabriel when they all used to go to school together, which weren't exactly heartwarming to say the least.
"I'm not leaving you here with mum." Luis said sternly.
Then everyone's eyes shifted to the frail women who didn't even look up from her plate and continued pushing around her peas. My eyes focused on her black eye making my stomach flip.
Like I said Gabriel was a very angry man.
"You are going and that's final. If you are going to be my children you will follow my family traditions. You will go to Hogwarts, you will be sorted into a good house, you will succeed and you will not argue!"
"I would rather slit my wrists then be known as your child." Luis said through gritted teeth. "Do you have anything to say about this?" he turned to my mother.
She licked her lips going to say something then stopping herself.
"Mum?" I looked at her confused.
"I think it's a good idea, I mean the elves can't home school you forever, and I'm not on my own anymore."
Her was voice weary and quiet. Scared to say the wrong thing, I did feel bad, of course I felt bad but it's hard when you just want her to put you first.
Luis threw his napkin down pushing himself away from the table.
"Of course you do." He mumbled before storming off.
Gabriel sighed running his hands over is face as it returned back to its usual colour.
I took a sip of my wine before speaking again.
"So what's the aim with this one then? You were adamant to keep us here why the change?"
"Well hopefully you kids will learn some manners and respect because something isn't clearly fucking working." He snapped back in a harsh yet not loud voice.
"Right" I sighed rolling my eyes. "And how the pair of you behaved with those kids at the ball, that Ruby was the final straw."
"I didn't even do anything?" I said with a scrunched face.
"You see that's exactly your issue, entitled and deluded!"
I rolled my eyes as he continued.
"And plus...Hogwarts is a fine school if you want to make something of yourself you need to start putting some effort in."
Says the man who was given every opportunity to him because of a last name. I left the table not even wanting to try and argue back, if anyone is deluded it's him, actually no, it's the people who respected him.

The weather was rainy and cold, autumn was at its peak this September. The constant pattering against my window was somewhat comforting as I packed up my life into one trunk. It had been two weeks since Gabriel told us and the train was tomorrow. I had made no effort to pack not wanting to face reality. Somehow we had already got the full kit, robes, books, you name it. It wasn't the fact I had to go to school or even that it was far away, it was the fact we had to leave mum. Also the fact I would be known as his daughter, expected to behave like his daughter, called his daughter.
Luis came into my room huffing.
"What am I even supposed to pack."
He laid himself across the end of my bed covering his face with his hands.
"Clothes I guess." I shrugged folding a jumper.
"This is so fucked up."
"Come on Luis it's not that bad, I mean at least we will be away from him."
"And away from mum."
I just sighed knowing he was right. My mum used to be a bubbly woman, one of those people who would light up a room when she walked in, after my dad left she always put us first wanting to protect us from the outside world. Now she just seems empty. Gabriel ruined her, completely.
"You know dad went to Hogwarts."
I said softly as I continued folding clothes.
Luis sat up.
"Yeah, that's where he met mum."
I nodded slowly.
"Do you think about him much?" I asked.
"Sometimes maybe, not much to think about really."
I remember him being funny. I remember mum laughing a lot, not sure at what but I know he made her somewhat happy. It's as if one morning I woke up and he was gone, neither of us knew why, but ever since that time in my life I always feel some sort of guilt. Maybe I did something? I would be too young to remember and it's not like it's unheard of for parents to get bored of being parents. I felt a sort of guilt because of the fact I couldn't help my mum or seemed to be enough for her, that's why she needed a husband. Because of this I've always felt a sort of need to parent Luis even though he's older than me. He was the one person who actually somewhat looked up to me.   
I sighed and smiled awkwardly.
"Come on, I'll help you pack."

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